Determination of anti-ganglioside autoantibodies in chronic autoimmune neuropathies: the thin line between care dependency and independence

showimage Determination of anti-ganglioside autoantibodies in chronic autoimmune neuropathies: the thin line between care dependency and independence

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The knowledge of autoimmune neuropathies has increased significantly over the past years. Regardless, clinical routine diagnosis of autoimmune neuropathies did not keep pace with research and has not changed substantially. As a result, chronic autoimmune neuropathies are regularly misdiagnosed and mistreated, leaving the patient disabled.
This is where the lab can render assistance by determination of anti-ganglioside antibody profiles, which are the only way of distinguishing acute from chronic autoimmune neuropathies.
Other than acute autoimmune neuropathies, chronic ones are only manageable by continuous intermittent treatment. Missing out on this results in a severely disabled patient.
With adequate treatment however normal function can be restored, enabling the patient to work and exert recreational activities.
Inform yourself about gangliosides and their significance for a specific differential diagnosis in autoimmune neuropathies in our 10-minute webinar!

Founded in 2002, GA Generic Assays GmbH is a privately owned company manufacturing and distributing diagnostic test kits focusing on autoimmune diseases. GA Generic Assays is a DIN EN ISO certified company with the aim to provide high quality diagnostic tools to meet the constant-growing demand for affordable tests.
Located in Dahlewitz, close to the German capital Berlin, GA collaborates with clinical research departments and universities all around Germany.
The product range, which focuses on innovative autoimmune diagnostics, is constantly expanding and our ambitious plan for the future is the development of new parameters and new technologies for the diagnostic market.
GA has new developments in the neuropathy field, the anti-gangliosid dot and the anti-asialoglycoprotein-receptor (ASGPR) which is a specific marker for autoimmune hepatitis
The newest kit-technology is an ELISA to determine anti-GP2, which is a marker for Crohns disease.

Generic Assays GmbH
Dr. Christina Fritz
Ludwig-Erhard-Ring 3
15827 Dahlewitz
0049 33708 9286 0

GA Generic Assays GmbH
Dr. Christina Fritz
Ludwig-Erhard-Ring 3
15827 Dahlewitz
033708 44 17 12