DEGER reports 50,000 installed tracking systems worldwide

showimage DEGER reports 50,000 installed tracking systems worldwide

World market leader in solar tracking systems with approximately 50,000 installed systems: DEGER.

Horb a.N., January 10th, 2013. For DEGER the new year starts with a success story: The company, located in Horb am Neckar, reached the worldwide mark of 50,000 installed tracking systems „made in Germany“.

This is equivalent to an installed total output of more than 255 megawatt-peak (MWp). The 50,000th system, a DEGERtracker 9000NT, will go to Centurion in South Africa. DEGER is world market leader in the field of solar tracking systems and its technology is being used in 51 countries.

The change of energy policy can no longer be stopped. And DEGER has quite a significant share in the matter. Today, tracking systems from Horb produce approximately 470 million kilowatt hours of solar energy per year worldwide. This would enable 130,000 German average households to be supplied with environmentally friendly energy.

A conventional electric car using this energy could travel 33.5 million kilometers every year and thereby circle the globe about 840 times. A car with a petrol engine and an average consumption of 7.5 liters on 100 kilometers – which reflects the current level for new cars in Germany – would need approximately 2.5 million liters of fuel for this.

The MLD technology (MLD – Maximum Light Detection) of DEGER produces, on average, 45 percent more solar energy than fixed systems. The DEGER tracking systems are therefore the most profitable way of producing solar energy. This forms the basis on which the company has meanwhile sold more than 50,000 tracking system in 51 countries worldwide.

15,000 systems in two years –
despite a difficult market environment

Artur Deger, founder and CEO of DEGER: „We are very happy to have sold about 15,000 systems in the last two years – even though the market environment is difficult. We expect and hope that the market will stabilise next year, once the shock of rapidly dropping feed-in tariffs, which occurred in almost every country, has been overcome.“

The many countries in which DEGER systems produce environmentally friendly energy is remarkable. They include the northern European countries such as England, Scandinavia or the Baltics as well as the Mediterranean countries Greece, Spain, Portugal or Tunisia. The aspiring markets in terms of solar energy also include Australia, Canada and the United States. In eastern Europe and Asia, too, there are DEGERtrackers – for example in Bosnia-Herzegovina or in Kazakhstan. And not to forget South Africa. To be precise the city of Centurion, which will receive the 50,000th system produced by DEGER.

Largest product range
of solar tracking systems

The DEGER product range starts with small single-axis systems, such as the DEGER TOPtracker 8.5 for a module surface of up to 8.5 square meters and the TOPtracker 40NT for up to 40 square meters of module surface and a nominal output of up to 7,000 Watt-peak (Wp). Largest model developed by DEGER is the DEGERtracker 9000NT. This tracking system is designed for a module surface of up to 70.6 square meters and a nominal output of up to 12,000 Wp.

The company offers systems which can be installed outdoors, as well as such which are suitable for building integration. The HD (Heavy Duty) series is especially designed for areas with strong winds. Various accessories provide optimum safety of the systems and guarantee the highest possible yield. The snow sensor for example ensures that when subjected to snow load, the system automatically keeps the solar module in the vertical position until the snow has fallen off. Afterwards, the DEGER control sensor realigns the modules immediately towards the brightest position in the sky and the generation of solar power begins anew. The system´s yield is thus optimized. Or the wind monitor – this is responsible for moving the solar module to the horizontal position as soon as the wind load becomes too strong. This provides the whole tracking system with maximum safety. It is no coincidence that around the globe, DEGER technology is considered to be extremely robust, reliable and almost maintenance free.

The demand for self-supply solutions
is increasing

At the moment the company is expanding its business field around its patented tracking technology. Since summer 2012 DEGER has been offering MSS complete systems (MSS= Maximum Solarpower Storage). It enables users to simply decouple from increasing electricity prices. MSS systems completely supply apartments, private houses, agricultural premises as well as small and medium-size businesses with self-produced solar energy. With the energy production, which is evenly distributed over the day, which can only be achieved with a tracking system, the major part of the required energy can be covered immediately without intermediate storage – electricity flows from the solar module directly to all connected appliances.

„Already today, there is a strong demand for solutions, which are profitable without governmental subsidies and provide financial stability for the future. And the demand will certainly become stronger with every price increase“, says Artur Deger.

DEGER is world market leader in the field of solar tracking systems. 50,000 DEGER systems have been installed in 51 countries all over the world. The enterprise has branch offices in Spain, Greece and North America and cooperates with local sales and service partners in many countries around the globe. The patented MLD technology from DEGER provides the possibility to achieve on average a surplus yield of 45 percent in comparison to fixed systems.

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About DEGER (

DEGER is the leading manufacturer with the globally largest product portfolio for single and dual axis solar tracking systems. Its market position is based on the unique, patented „Maximum Light Detection“ – or MLD technology, developed by Artur Deger. It provides the possibility of increasing the yield of solar power plants by using an „intelligent“ control. The MLD-sensor thereby always aligns the solar modules with the energetically most potent point in the sky. This way MLD-guided solar systems achieve on average a 45 percent higher yield than fixed systems – in peaks this value is even considerably higher. With approximately 50,000 systems installed in more than 51 countries, DEGER is world market and technology leader. The enterprise offers all solutions of relevance for the product – from development and planning to production and sales right up to maintenance and repair.

Nearly 400 employees currently work for DEGER at its headquarters in Horb, in its branch offices and at suppliers. The company was founded in 1999 and in 2001 was awarded with the Inventor Prize of the federal State of Baden-Württemberg for the MLD-sensor. In 2005 DEGER opened its first branch office in Spain, in 2009 branch offices opened in the USA and in Greece, in summer 2011 production started in Australia. DEGER produces in Germany, Australia, Canada and in the USA. Business is managed by Artur Deger.

You can“t always rely on the weather. But you can rely on a tracking system from DEGER.

Anita Deger
Industriestraße 70
72160 Horb
+49 (0) 7451-539 14-0

digit media
Herbert Grab
Schulberg 5
72124 Pliezhausen
+49 (0)7127-570710