Daily life can sometimes be very complex. Regularly, we have to take decisions, short-term, long-term, far-reaching and comprehensive ones. Would it not be of advantage to have a decision-making tool simplifying the decision-making process?
Issues in the private, as well as in professional life, can impose decisions that are complex, time consuming and far-reaching: Shall I change my job? Which profession shall I choose? Which car shall I buy? Is buying a house a good option? Who of the applicants is the right one? Shall we undertake this investment?
Possible decision-making methods include the intuitive decision-making. The decision-making is based on one’s gut feeling and one’s own intuition. When taking decisions on complex issues it is advisable to choose a rational and structured decision-making method as for example the CAF Method (Consider All Facts), the PMI Method (Plus Minus Interesting), a decision matrix, a decision tree or even a decision-making software.
The gut feeling and intuition are certainly important factors when taking a decision. But at work or if the own decision taken will affect others, it may be difficult to represent a decision taken, based on a gut feeling only, towards third parties. A structured and comprehensible decision provides here automatically the necessary arguments in order to represent the decision confidently towards others.
The rational decision-making methods have in common that the various aspects of a decision are to be listed and then weighted in order to make a good choice. This can be solved either by paper and pencil or by using a spreadsheet. Especially when working with a weighted decision matrix, the project may easily become quite complex.
This can be accomplished more simply with the software tool „Decision Making Helper“. This decision-making tool based on the weighted decision matrix is supporting the decision-making process in order to take rational, comprehensive, understandable and clear decisions. To find the right decision for the best option will become a child’s play without losing sight of the seriousness of the decision-making process. The decisions once taken are reasonable, structured and understandable and can be represented confidently towards third parties.
The decision-making software Decision Making Helper is a program for Windows. The latest version of Decision Making Helper 1.12 runs under Windows XP/Vista/7/8. The decision-making tool can be downloaded free of charge for testing purposes in the languages English, German and French at http://www.infonautics.ch/decisionmakinghelper . The costs for a single license are USD 25. All the licenses are non-expiring and valid for all future updates.
Further Information
Internet: http://www.infonautics.ch/decisionmakinghelper
Email: support@infonautics.ch
Since 1995, INFONAUTICS GmbH has been producing innovative and reliable solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. In addition to Decision Making Helper, the company also offers an online booking system for hotels, a survey software for customer and employee surveys, a real-time backup software for continuous data protection between the regular system backups and an alternative start menu for Windows for immediate access to programs and documents. For more information, visit http://www.infonautics.ch/ .
Markus Ottiger, CEO
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CH – 6312 Steinhausen
Phone +41 41 7431001
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Press Relations
Anita Wirz
Public Relations
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