Cycling to burn fat fast

In many foreign countries, cycling tourism is a very common outings, not only exercise, but calmly enjoy a view of both sides of the road. In recent years, with the increase in people’s awareness of environmental protection, choose the way to travel to burn fat instead of burning gasoline is the trend of the times, bicycle travel has become more popular in the country. Bike travel enthusiasts in the organization of planners, cycling, traveling around, looking for their own healthy living.

The sports experts pointed out that due to the bike sports special requirements, arms and torso are mostly static and legs more than the power of the work, the redistribution of blood, more blood supply of the lower extremity, 2 day diet changes in heart rate basis pedaling action, speed and undulating terrain. Inside the body need to replenish the nutrients and discharge wastes so the heartbeat often than usual, increased by 2 times -3 times. This repeated practice, can make developed myocardial larger, heart, myocardial contractility powerful, the elasticity of the vascular wall enhancement. So that a large amount of pulmonary ventilation, increased lung capacity, improve the respiratory function of the lung.

Experts suggest: bicycle exercise should be moderate. Is not enough to only pay attention to the bike away, cyclists encounter resistance to maintain your good posture. Cycling for at least 30 minutes each time, but not more than 60 minutes. Cycling upper body to relax, to avoid causing shoulder and neck pain; Do not ride too low and the body would limit abdominal breathing.

The mountain bike is a bike designed specifically for off-road (hills, trails, wilderness and sandy gravel Road) walking, was born in the west coast of the United States in San Francisco in 1977. At that time, a group of enthusiastic young man riding a beach bike to have fun on the slopes, whim: „If the bike speeding from the hills, they would be very interesting.“ So began a cross-country bicycle design and manufacturing. Officially named the mountain bike thing two years later. From then on, the the „downhill athletic emerge as a new project in the sports competitions. Athletes riding a mountain bike downhill along prescribed lines high-speed downhill, speed wins, attracting a large number of enthusiasts.

Mountain bike races are divided into three projects: the Downhill (DownhillEvent) and double bend (DualSlalom) ski race the same name as the project is very similar – the former riders were sliding down a downhill track and calculate the shortest time to complete winner. The latter two drivers in two parallel downhill trail downhill, Z-shaped side traveling side leap soil slopes, the first to reach the winner. As for the cross-country (Cross-Country) suggests that it is the natural environment of the wild race full-length usually about

16 km -24 km, of which not less than 1/4 of the track without any manual repairs. All the know-how of the game are just right along the established track, to avoid more costly mistakes.