As a freelancer, you shouldn’t spend too much time doing the bills, be superior to time pressure and avoid bad time recording. Easier said than done. To improve time management, a cloud-based system is necessary. This allows your own team and the respective project to be checked and managed in real time and to identify possible deficiencies in time planning. This allows you to save a lot of time and effort and concentrate on your core business. Stress is now a thing of the past with TimeStatement!
TimeStatement helps you to enter your time and activity recording correctly and quickly. In addition, you can create a professional invoice, manage teams and projects, record expenses and much more with a single click.
The TimeStatement online solution reduces administrative effort / costs, is accessible from anywhere and requires no installation. The professional invoices are generated automatically. The invoice design can be easily personalized, making it the perfect solution. It is an innovative and professional time tracking solution without system maintenance and database chaos. Impress your customers with appealing invoice design that you can create yourself. TimeStatement time management is ideal for freelancers such as architects, engineers, SMEs, large companies and project workers.
The founders & start-ups should be able to invest their time / services for their core business. Since start-ups consist mainly of smaller teams, it is important not to lose any time for administrative efforts.
Start free of charge and without obligation with the small full version immediately without installation: (FREE)
In addition, Excel is a relatively complex program, which also entails a higher expenditure of time and an increased susceptibility to errors: After all, it serves to reduce the stress level of everyday work and not to increase it.
Here we have a small video presentation about TimeStatement:
The main functions of TimeStatement:
- Issue invoices in any language
- Simple and fast performance and working time tracking
- Professional billing of recorded services
- Project, customer and team management
- cost recording
- Best Excel Alternative / Extension
- Excel and PDF export for user, project and customer reports
- Reports can be created and sent at any time.
- Interim reports can be sent at any time with one click.
- Supports multilingualism and international currencies.
- Cloud-based and without installation
- Available at any time and from anywhere via the Internet – platform-independent
- Identification takes place automatically via the IP address
- As a SaaS solution, regular updates and backups are carried out.
- Hosted in-house solution on request
The premium versions are all sold and delivered by the online provider Cleverbridge AG Cologne.
Best regards
Marc Anderson TimeStatement AG – Time tracking
Phone +41 41 500 77 90
Development of
balesio software AG