San Francisco, CA, Feb 21, 2019 — There are two legitimate uses for Online Dating platforms 1) to make a connection, whether it’s to find that perfect long term match or 2) a quick hookup – still, it’s a legitimate human connection. And while it servers its purposes well and continue to grow in popularity, many have found a third use for online dating which is not so legitimate – scoping out and targeting their next victim. The Online Dating world has become fertile hunting ground for Predators, Scammers, Dine & Dash Daters, Catfishing, and DWM’s – Dating While Married. Some downright dangerous types troll popular dating services like, Tinder, ( and (
Surely, we know in this cloud-based alternative dating universe, people lie. But researchers at Cornell and University of Wisconsin-Madison found that roughly 80% of Online Daters lie in their profile ( Suggesting that it’s comforting to hide behind „Dating Site Usernames“ rarely revealing real name or true intentions. And without a first and last name it is almost impossible to do Online Dating background checks – which helps perpetuate the problems.
After experiencing a traumatic Online Dating incident, Connie O’Grady,’s ( CEO was compelled to make the environment safer for everyone. She vowed to develop a solution- adding transparency to the Online Dating experience. „I didn’t wait for funding, I invested nearly $100K on finding a solution to make Online Dating Safe.“ O’Grady remarked. Finally, after surveying over 100 active Online Daters – men and women, the feedback was clear – there is a massive market gap in online dating safety. And ( was officially launched. ( is a one-of-a-kind crowdsourced & socially networked community dedicated to separating the Sketchy Dates from Soulmates – before you agree to meet an Online Date in person. ( allows members to „Date Smart from the Start,“ bringing transparency & a community-based Online Dating Background Check system to an otherwise opaque industry. With as little as a dating site username, CrayRate members can check a potential online date’s „CrayRate“ (date rating) before they meet their date. And, there’s no more super-sleuthing for a first and last name to conduct a background check on a potential date (which is difficult).
Similar to Yelp, CrayRate relies on date reviews. Anonymously, CrayRate members (Tipsters) trade dating stories for free access. The Tipster Review includes: Date’s Star Rating, written review, photos, mugshots, text messages and more. It’s super simple!
CrayRate is part serious, part edgy, part exciting and part fun – but at all times, focused on Online Dating safety. CrayRate is not a dating platform – it’s a neighborhood watch group – we watch over the „Datinghood.“ ( is the ‚must have‘ web app for generations of online daters.
Connie O’Grady, CEO
180 Steuart St, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105