a Bag Supplier Provide a Wide Selection of Bags

Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD offers a wide selection of bags on their website. As a bag manufacturer in China, a variety of bags are offered in order to cater to the different needs of consumers not just in China, but also in other parts of the world. With the help of the website, it greatly helped in extending the reach to other potential clients in different countries as well. Being granted with the Disney Audit License last year in 2012, Quanzhou RealFine Bags is a Disney bags manufacturer and supplier, especially school bags, kids bags and school trolley bags.

With the different kinds of bags available in the market, each of these bags has their own purpose. There are bags that are ideal for school while others are simply for sports activities or the small-sized bags for women. There are also bags that are specifically designed to carry heavy loads or for rugged use. Bags are made out of different materials such as nylon, cloth, plastic and many more. provides a wide selection of bags such as backpacks, school bags, trolley bags, laptop bags, sport bags, beach bags, cosmetic bags, picnic bags, mummy bags, cooler bags, lunch bags, shoulder bags, garment bags, shoe bags, briefcases, hand bags, military bags, conference bags, bicycle bags, wallet and accessories. With the variety of bags offered by, people of different ages, professions and activities will surely find the bag that they are looking for.

For more information regarding the bags offered by, all you have to do is to get in touch:

Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD

Sales Office: 1203RM, 4 BLDG, West Lake 1st, Quanzhou, China 362001

Manager: Bruce Tsai

Mobile: 0086-13559573873

Telephone: (0086) 595-22325181

Fax: (0086) 595-22777627



About Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD:

Quanzhou RealFine Bags is a bag manufacturer as well as an exporter of different kinds of bags including school bags, backpacks, laptop bags, sport bags, promotional bags, beach bags and many more. We have a large-scale manufacturing plant that is managed by professional engineers and technicians. With over 300 workers, the company is capable of generating adequate quantities of bags on a monthly basis. Strict quality control is maintained at all times to guarantee complete client satisfaction.