Check For a Wide Selection of Bags That Can Cater to Individual Needs is the website launched by Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD in order to provide a wide variety of bags to consumers all over the world. As a well known China bag exporter with a Disney Audit License that was granted in 2012, this Disney bag factory produces top quality Disney school bags of different styles for children all over the globe. This bag manufacturer has the main objective of supplying consumers with a wide variety of bags that can cater to their needs and preferences. In order to reach out to a wider audience, Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD came up with their own website – in order to establish an online presence. With the online presence of this bag supplier, consumers in different parts of the world can easily gain access to the bags being offered.

By visiting, the website by Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD offers a wide variety of bags that are ideal for different uses. Since it is also a Disney bag factory, the website offers Disney school bags for children. There are also different kinds of bags that are made out of different top quality materials and in different styles to cater to the individual needs of consumers all over the world. The selection of bags available in the website include school bags, backpacks, laptop bags, trolley bags, beach bags, sports bags, picnic bags, mummy bags, cosmetic bags, cooler bags, shoulder bags, lunch bags, shoe bags, garment bags, hand bags, briefcases, conference bags, military bags, bicycle bags, accessories and wallets.

For more information regarding Quanzhou RealFine Bags as a bag supplier and the bags that are being offered, all you have to do is to get in touch with us:

Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD

Sales Office: 1203RM, 4 BLGD, West Lake 1st, Quanzhou, China 362001

Manager: Bruce Tsai

Telephone: (0086) 595-22325181

Mobile: 0086-13559573873

Fax: (0086) 595-22777627



About Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD:

As a China bag exporter and a Disney bag factory at the same time, Quanzhou RealFine Bags Co., LTD offers different kinds of Disney school bags along with a wide variety of bags to cater to individual needs of consumers all over the world.