World market leader in solar tracking systems with more than 47,000 installed systems: DEGERenergie. Horb am Neckar / Zolder, 04. April 2011. The world famous race track in Zolder, Belgium, has a new attraction. Since
WeiterlesenKategorie: English Press Releases
Moroccos leading energy exhibition
elec expo, EneR Event and Tronica Expo with France as Guest of Honour in 2012 Morocco records a double-digit growth with imports and exports of electro-technology and is attracting important investments in the renewable energy
WeiterlesenThe prize is right for the 13th DATA MINING CUP
DATA-MINING-CUP 2012 The tasks for the 13th edition of the world’s largest data mining competition have been published today. This year the international participants will face the challenge of two tasks relating to dynamic price
Weiterlesenplast alger and printpack alger concurrently in 2012
2,000 trade visitors expected from 24-27 September Algeria“s 2nd International Plastics, Rubber and Composites Trade Fair, plast alger 2012 will be held concurrently with the 3rd printpack alger, the International Printing and Packaging Technology Exhibition.
WeiterlesenOld securities created history
Matthias Schmitt (Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG) Interview with Matthias Schmitt / AuctionLot Matthias Schmitt, who heads one of the leading auction houses HWPH AG considers old stocks and bonds to be documents that have historic significance
WeiterlesenSalamander presents new bluEvolution 82 system
Salamander Industrie-Produkte GmbH The Salamander Industrie-Produkte GmbH (, one of the leading European system providers and manufacturers of high-quality energy-efficient window systems made of PVC, presented its new bluEvolution 82 system at this year’s fensterbau/frontale
WeiterlesenDer ideale Messestand – mit Messebau von ATLD
Wenn sie auf einer Messe ein Produkt oder eine Firma vertreten, sollten Sie sich schon im Vorfeld Gedanken über die Gestaltung des Messestands machen. Diese sollte möglichst übersichtlich und ansprechend gestaltet sein, denn nur so
WeiterlesenNew:The first money-earning App
MOBROG Survey App New free survey App for iPhone, Blackberry, and Android With the free survey App MOBROG, owners of iPhone, Android, or Blackberry cell phones can now participate in surveys via their cells and
WeiterlesenSymphony of Commend Intercom 2.0 at Intertraffic 2012 (March 27 – 30)/Amsterdam
Symphony of Commend Intercom 2.0 at Intertraffic 2012 Revolutionary Innovations to have its world premiere (( Tweet: „Check out our symphony of innovation – brand new control desk with mobile control apps, world“s first Software
WeiterlesenTraversen – Einer der wesentlichen Elemente in der Veranstaltungstechnik
Worauf sollte man beim Traversen-Kauf achten? Traversen werden bei Veranstaltungen gerne verwendet, da sie vielseitig einsetzbar sind. Egal ob es sich hierbei um eine Diskothek oder um einen Messestand handelt. Traversen spielen in der Veranstaltungstechnik
WeiterlesenTraversen in der Veranstaltungstechnik sind Tragekonstruktionen
Der Wortstamm kommt leitet sich von dem französischen Wort „traverse“ ab und bedeutet übersetzt Querbalken. Eine Traverse ist eine Aufbaukonstruktion in der Veranstaltungstechnik. Man bezeichnet sie auch als Truss. Auch im Messebau werden oftmals Traversen
WeiterlesenSalamander: Further developments in gluing technology
Salamander Industrie-Produkte GmbH The Salamander Industrie-Produkte GmbH (, one of the leading European system providers and manufacturers of high-quality energy-efficient window systems made of PVC, has been concentrating on the further development of its gluing
WeiterlesenKF2Strategy Research launches the Fact Sheet
KF2Strategy Research has developed a fact sheet for compact business analysis. The fact sheet aggregates profound information about a particular business topic on two pages. Detailed analysis are conducted on various business and industry topics
WeiterlesenBischofszell Food Ltd held its ground in the market
Delicious Swiss Food Swiss food producer generated growth of almost 30% in the organic product segment – growing in international markets Bischofszell Food Ltd looks back on a challenging financial year 2011. The food producer
WeiterlesenelcomUkraine 2012 with 350+ exhibitors from 13 countries
From 17-20 April 2012 more than 350 exhibitors from 13 countries will present their latest technologies and solutions at elcomUkraine 2012. National and international market leaders will again participate as well as group pavilions from