Strong Contribution to Smart Grid Intelligence Project in Thailand (SmartThai) Paderborn (Germany), 12 November 2012: Because of its awarded dynamic real-time billing and flexible tariff solutions for intelligent smart grid environments, Orga Systems is best
WeiterlesenKategorie: English Press Releases
MR safe guide wire – now CE certified
MR safe guidewire from EPflex now CE certified After more than six years of development, EPflex Feinwerktechnik GmbH obtained in October 2012 the first CE certification world-wide for an MR safe guide wire. It has
WeiterlesenLignite Energy: Long-term cost-efficient industrial fuel „made in Germany“
Lignite Energy: Long-term cost-efficient industrial fuel “made in Germany“ RWE Power AG increases production capacities by 500,000 tons – Guaranteed long-term supply at predictable costs Cologne. – All over Europe, dried and pulverized lignite from
WeiterlesenInvesting in Innovation
The PILL production unit for the Blackhole HT process in Becker and Mueller’s production hall. The excellent production results are a boon to both the investors, and to customers who now receive the highest quality
WeiterlesenNew Energy Husum 2013 expands its portfolio
Husum, 09 November 2012. New Energy Husum 2013 is staging a special exhibition on ecological building to focus on the subject of passive houses. The Husum exhibition from 21 to 24 March 2013 will for
WeiterlesenFLOOR and more® arena – A product for all types of application The floor system of Lindner Group FLOOR and more® arena is especially suited for concert halls, lecture halls and cinemas. The floor system of Lindner Group FLOOR and more® arena is especially suited for
WeiterlesenNew Cloud-Based Document Archive from SAPERION
App SAPERION ECM Together New cloud-based „SAPERION ECM Together“ makes it easy to create, view, share, jointly edit, and archive documents from any location. Users need only a computer or smartphone with an Internet connection
WeiterleseniGrafx® unleashes the full power of Business Process Management Solutions in the Cloud
A leading provider of solutions in the field of Business Process Management (BPM): iGrafx. Tualatin, OR. / Karlsfeld nr. Munich – November 8, 2012 – iGrafx, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM) solutions,
WeiterlesenAirport Exchange 2012 in Amsterdam – Lindner Group takes part
The future trends of airports are the main part of this year“s topic „Airports 2020“, which makes many companies from different business sectors showcase their solutions. Lindner Group being one of the leading interior fit-out
WeiterlesenHerausforderung Cloud Computing: Wie schütze ich meine Kundendaten richtig?
Cloud Computing lebt vom Gedanken einer komplexen, geteilten IT Infrastruktur, die dem Endbenutzer auf einfache Weise Services zur Verfügung stellt. Zwei Punkte dieser Grunddefinition sprechen grundsätzlich gegen Cloud Computing für Branchen mit hoch sensitiven Daten:
WeiterlesenMobile CRM Anwendungen auf dem Prüfstand – alles nur ein Hype?
Mobile CRM-Anwendungen sind aus dem Unternehmensalltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Mehrheit der europäischen Unternehmen ist davon überzeugt, dass eine Verwendung verschiedener mobiler Applikation eine Verbesserung der Kundenzufriedenheit und eine Produktivitätssteigerung der Aussendienstmitarbeiter zur Folge hat.
WeiterlesenMore light with new materials from Heraeus
More light with Celcion(R). LEDs mounted more economically with Celcion® Thick Film material system than with conventional MCPCBs. Due to the good heat conductivity, Celcion®-based LEDs have either a longer service life or a higher
WeiterlesenFujitsu Semiconductor Announces Two Complete Families of 32-bit Microcontrollers Utilising the ARM Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M0+ Cores
Fujitsu announces two complete new families of 32-bit microcontrollers utilising the ARM Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M0+ cores, plus enhancements to the existing FM3 Family. Delivering the industry“s greatest line-up of ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers with the
WeiterlesenPLANSEE Express: Now Purchase Furnace Parts Online
It“s getting hot at PLANSEE Express! The leading online shop for refractory metals such as molybdenum and tungsten is now also offering finished parts for high-temperature furnaces. In addition to plate, rod, wire and welding
WeiterlesenLindner Noise Mastic
Powerful treatment against structure-borne sound: Lindner Noise Mastic. Lindner Noise Mastic is an anti-drumming coating suitable for every kind of metal and sheet construction. The cementless loading compound made by Lindner combines three aspects of