Broads Abroad To Be Launched in July 2013

July could be the special month for those women who are travelers (even occasional ones). The reason is Broads Abroad, a travel site designed and developed specially for Women travelers, so that they can find company and also travel as often as they wish to. At present they are providing their services only and only for women and girls (female) and are planning to stay limited. They want to make it the most comfortable domain for women to build their network, so that “wherever they go, they find somebody they know.

If someone has visited ,then the person must know that it is launching in July 2013 (mentioned on the temporary home page of the site). Although the site seems to be live but in reality it is not. At present their site has just one page that informs its visitors about its launch and asks for their email id, so that they can notify their visitors when they go live. It will also save the visitor’s time and alternatively will help the company begin smoothly.

The company has come-up with the new concept of No-Money-For-Accommodation. This concept works well with big network and as they have no geographical barrier they keep on stretching their network. At first their concept seemed to have flaws, but when we closely analyzed their services and concept we could understand that all they are doing is ‘exchange’. Like our international student and employee exchange programs wherein free exchange is done. Likewise, the company is exchanging accommodation. The women traveling from Ladakh to Amsterdam will get free accommodation in Amsterdam and the women traveling from Amsterdam to Ladakh will get free accommodation in Ladakh.

This is very simple, but to actually make this process work it takes lots of communication, hardwork and sometimes paperwork. Which is doing for its customers. What is it charging or asking against its services? No one knows it. Even the press has the same information that its customers have. It seems as if the company wants good attention to make a grand entry. Well, we are giving it. The press has its eye on the company and will let the customers know about it as soon as they say a word.

At present we don’t even know the professionals working with the company. Till now, there has been no press release or press meeting from the company’s side. Anyways, July is not far now, just 2 more days and here is July. Let’s wait and watch what Broads Abroad brings with it this July.

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