– walter services secures and creates a total of 260 jobs on site
(Ettlingen/Marburg, 27 November 2012) walter services GmbH, one of Europe’s leading business process and CRM outsourcers, acquires the Marburg customer service centre of Unitymedia KabelBW GmbH. Only the consent of the anti-trust authorities is still missing for the key site of the second-largest German cable network operator to sail under a new flag from 1 January 2013 onwards. walter services not only aims to secure all the present 90 jobs at the Marburg site, but even to increase the number of jobs further. The service centre will continue to work for Unitymedia KabelBW and support the company’s customers. walter services GmbH is thus also gaining and important premium account.
Klaus Gumpp, chairman of the board of walter services: „We are very happy about our agreement with Unitymedia KabelBW. The Marburg site is a competence centre with a high growth potential and 90 outstanding, highly-qualified employees. We will now take these new colleagues into a successful future in which we will strongly increase the staff to expand our competences and resources in the areas of media/tech and telecommunications. All in all, this is a classic win-win situation for the two companies that are involved, as well as for their respective employees and customers.“
walter services creates 170 new jobs in Marburg
The company will create an additional 170 jobs at the new site, nearly tripling the number of jobs there to roughly 260. The current staff will also see many new career opportunities. Additionally, the customer service centre in Marburg will receive two more floors to make space for the new colleagues. walter services employs more than 8,000 employees in total at 20 sites across Europe. Lutz Schüler, managing director of Unitymedia KabelBW: „walter services is an internationally positioned, renowned service provider. The name is representative for outstanding service. We know that our customers and employees will continue to be in the best hands.“
Strategic expansion of the customer portfolio
walter services strategically expands its customer portfolio with one of the most important players in the industry by supporting Unitymedia KabelBW. Headquartered in Cologne, the company is one of the leading telecommunications and media providers in Germany. Its broadband cable services are available in 12.6 M households.
In addition to the analogue cable TV services, Unitymedia KabelBW is also a leading provider of triple-play services, which are responsible for the growth in the areas of digital cable TV, broadband internet and telephony. As of 30 September 2012, Unitymedia KabelBW sold about 6.7 M TV subscriptions (including 2.1 M digital TV-subscriptions) and 2.1 M internet and telephony subscriptions (RGU) each to its roughly 7 M customers.
walter services offers a unique bandwidth of services around the development of sustainable customer relationships and implementation of efficient service or sales processes. The company’s competence ranges from initial consulting to implementation of complete CRM solutions. walter services has already acquired many sites for the good of the respective customers and employees.
About walter services GmbH:
A new dimension of customer relationships: with more than 8,000 employees and 20 sites in Germany, Austria, Poland, Romania and Switzerland, walter services is one of the leading BPO providers in Europe. The company is a strong partner offering an unprecedented portfolio around the development of sustainable customer relationships and the implementation of efficient services or sales processes, from initial consulting to implementation of complete CRM solutions. Key industries of the company are the areas of telecommunications, commerce, media/tech, finance, healthcare and utility. The company is headquartered in Ettlingen (Germany). Chairman of the board is Klaus Gumpp. For more information, see: www.walterservices.com.
About Unitymedia KabelBW:
Unitymedia KabelBW, headquartered in Cologne, is one of the leading telecommunications and media providers in Germany. It is a subsidiary of Liberty Global. The company’s broadband cable services are available in 12.6 M households through its customer brands Unitymedia (North-Rhine Westphalia and Hessen) and KabelBW (Baden-Württemberg). In addition to offering analogue cable TV services, Unitymedia KabelBW is a leading provider of integrated triple-play services that are responsible for the growth in the areas of digital cable TV, broadband internet and telephony. As of 30 September 2012, Unitymedia KabelBW sold about 6.7 M TV subscriptions (including 2.1 M digital TV-subscriptions) and 2.1 M internet and telephony subscriptions (RGU) each to its roughly 7 M customers. For more information on Unitymedia KabelBW, see: www.unitymedia.de and www.kabelbw.de.
Über walter services GmbH:
Kundenbeziehungen in neuer Dimension – mit über 8.000 Mitarbeitern und 20 Standorten in Deutschland, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien und der Schweiz gehört walter services zu den führenden BPO-Anbietern Europas. Als leistungsstarker Partner bietet das Unternehmen dabei ein beispielloses Portfolio rund um den Aufbau nachhaltiger Kundenbeziehungen und die Umsetzung effizienter Service- bzw. Vertriebsprozesse – von der Erstberatung bis zur Implementierung kompletter CRM-Lösungen. Schlüsselbranchen des Unternehmens stellen die Bereiche Telecommunication, Commerce, Media/Tech, Finance, Healthcare und Utility dar. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Ettlingen (Deutschland), Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung ist Klaus Gumpp.
walter services
Wera Fritscher
Pforzheimer Straße 128
76275 Ettlingen
+49 7243 551480
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Matthias Schwerdtfeger
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