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It is for sure this quality that has enabled him to be „hired“ by the high Ivorian authorities, including our super policeman, Hamed Bakayoko, on behalf of the Ivorian head of state, Alassane Ouattara. Objective: put in place a plot scenario in which the actors should be the military authorities and other pro-Gbagbo exiled in Ghana. The operation was planned to convince Ghanaian authorities to expel from their territory all the Ivorian refugees soaked in the „coup“ against their country, C?te d’Ivoire.

Chairman Tsikata had ice hot cool slimming gel the job profile. At his disposal, there are many young Liberians ready to accomplish his dirty work (fraud, trafficking of all kinds and even murder). During his trips in Abidjan, he has always been housed by the current Minister of State, Minister of the Interior, Hamed Bakayoko in a hotel not far from the headquarters of the PDCI-RDA in Cocody.

A luxury vehicle of Hamler type is always made available to him at everyone of his trips. Because, in C?te d’Ivoire, in addition to Hamed Bakayoko, Chairman Tsikata has the financial support of Ibrahim Ouattara, the younger brother of Alassane Ouattara, the acting director of finance of the presidency under his elder brother. He is nicknamed “photocopy” for his facial resemblance with his elder brother, the head of state. This clearly demonstrates all the proximity between the Ivorian President and Chairman. But what is it really?

Initially, an Hollywoodian deal between Tsikata and Hamed Bakayoko …

According to the confessions obtained by police in Ghana, Chairman Tsikata was approached by Hamed Bakayoko, Minister of State, and Minister of the Interior of C?te d’Ivoire. Nicknamed Ham’Bak for its close friends and the singers of Congolese Rumba, he was offered almost the following deal:

As Alassane Ouattara has failed in his attempts to convince the Government of Ghana to extradite Ivorians refugees in Ghana, Chairman Tsikata was called in to help put in place a pseudo coup d’état against the regime of Abidjan. Ouattara needed these kinds of evidence to force Ghanaian authorities to execute the numerous arrest warrants issued against pro-Gbagbo exiled on the Ghanaian territory. In diplomatic circles of the sub-region, it is said, but it is really not confirmed that Alassane Ouattara showed a DVD, „proof of conspiracy“ at a ECOWAS meeting to accuse Ghana and he even threaten to bring this country to the UN for its lack of cooperation in the muscled process of peacemaking in C?te d’Ivoire. Is this aspect of the scenario true or is it a prediction of what has not been executed? No one knows.

Still, Chairman Tsikata, owner of 2 Day Diet Original Version an illegal private security company, unreported in the books of the Ghanaian government, has agents in the neighborhoods of Accra to gather information on Ivorian refugees in Ghana. It is by this means he was able to contact Lieutenant Colonel Katé Gnatoa, then in exile in Ghana, from whom he initially requested a large sum of money to supposedly make a coup d’état in C?te d’Ivoire. Because very quickly Tsikata realized that in their atrocious sufferings of exile caused by the war waged by the coalition (Franco and UN) in C?te d’Ivoire, some Ivorian military exiled in Ghana were not opposed to a revenge attack on Ouattara.