A brand on the move through Europe

showimage A brand on the move through Europe

A brand on the move through Europe

Technology Solutions hit the roads of Europe

As of November 2011, the Augsburg-based technological leader will be presenting the „KUKA Systems“ brand to the wider public. A white semitrailer tractor with over 400 HP under the hood, pulling a 14-meter trailer bearing the slogan „Technology Solutions – Made by KUKA Systems“. As part of a trailer change, the trailer was provided with a new tarpaulin. The tarpaulin of the 40-tonne trailer truck shows the KUKA Systems communication motif „Space“ – why not get the systems integrator and its brand out on the road and bring it to the people? In this way, the company increases its presence, not just with its customers, but also on the roads of Europe.
Every year, a volume of over 2,600 million tonnes is transported on German roads – 6,900 tonnes alone belonging to KUKA Systems. Each of these deliveries differs in size, volume and weight; no consignment is the same. More than 10,000 shipments ranging from small goods to heavy loads are handled every year by the logistics team at Augsburg headquarters. All shipments are controlled from here. For the 25-strong team, reliability and punctuality have top priority. The customer is king: this motto is also true for the Bavarian integrator KUKA Systems.

About KUKA Systems
KUKA Systems is an international supplier of flexible automation systems for the Automotive, Aerospace, Energy and Industrial Solutions segments. Some 3,500 employees worldwide work on ideas, concepts and solutions for automated production and the provision of products and services for virtually all tasks in the industrial processing of metallic and non-metallic materials.
In the Industrial Solutions segment, KUKA Systems supplies solutions for all aspects of joining, assembly and handling. The process technologies, which include numerous types of welding, bonding, cutting and press automation, are constantly being developed and refined to produce independent solutions for manufacturing industry.
The range is presented and marketed internationally via the subsidiaries and sales offices in Europe, America and Asia. KUKA Systems recorded an order volume of around 695 million euro for the 2010 business year.

KUKA Systems GmbH
Markus Meier
Blücherstrasse 144
86165 Augsburg
+49 821 797-2483