New energy exhibition for Siberia!

showimage New energy exhibition for Siberia!

Germany is the Guest of Honor at the new elcom Rossija in September 2012 in Novosibirsk
Staggering growth: Russian imports and exports of electrical industry amount to 31 billion Euros

Increasing numbers in imports and exports of electro-technology and fifteen years of experience in organizing electrical engineering trade fairs in Eastern Europe. Against this background elcom Rossija will be launched from 18 – 20 September 2012 in Novosibirsk at the recently opened Novosibirsk Expocentre. The 1st International Trade Fair on Renewable and Conventional Energy, Energy Efficiency, Electrical Engineering, Lighting and Automation is organized by the inventors of elcomUkraine, fairtrade and Euroindex together with Siberia Expo from Russia.

According to ZVEI – the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers“ Association, Russian imports have increased by 40.4%, from 19.873 billion Euros in 2009 to 27.919 billion Euro in 2010. China, Germany, Ukraine, the USA and South Korea are the major supplier countries. In the same period, Russian producers have exported electro-technology at a volume of 3.113 billion Euros (after 2.733 billion Euros in 2009). Ukraine, India, Kazakhstan, Germany and China were the most important destinations for Russian electro-technology exports. To sum-up, Russian imports and exports of electro-technology stand for a 31.03 billion Euro business.
The concept of the trade fair is based on fifteen years of experience of successful organization of such events in Ukraine. „Nowadays, elcomUkraine is the leading energy and energy efficiency platform not only in Ukraine but for the whole of Central Europe“, says Martin März, Managing Director with fairtrade. Adds Valerii Pekar, president with Euroindex: „At elcomUkraine 2011, 338 exhibitors from 13 countries discussed business with 12,108 professional visitors. The outstanding quality of the event is certified by UFI- The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.“
„High quality services and the geographical position of the Novosibirsk Expocentre also contribute to the success of elcom Rossija“ notes Igor Tschernych of Siberia Expo. „Novosibirsk is Russia“s third largest city and its geographical center, as well as the political-administrative and business capital of Siberia, where raw material and energy potential of the country is focused.“
The trade fair is supported by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Novosibirsk Region, as well as by the Novosibirsk State Technical University.
In the frame of the official Germany-year in Russia, Germany is the Guest of Honor of elcom Rossija 2012. As one of Russia“s most important trading partners, Germany“s presentation as Guest of Honor contributes to further develop this position. German exports of electrical industry to Russia reached 5.09 billion Euros in 2011; Russian exports of the respective industry to Germany in the same period amounted to 163 million Euro (ZVEI). An official German pavilion will be presented by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology in cooperation with AUMA and supported by ZVEI.

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fairtrade Messe
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69115 Heidelberg