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I thought it was going to be really glamorous — like, ‘Oh, my God, I get to go to Europe and work!’” she says, dropping her sweet potato slices into a frying pan. “But I was so young. I’d lose my ID and have to sleep on the floor in Miami. Or I’d be in a motel in Hamburg and my credit card didn’t work. I’d always have four flights a week in the middle seat on Spirit Airlines.”

Apart from the unforgiving lifestyle, Ferreira soon grew tired of criticism from her agency.

“They started telling me that I wasn’t doing well or booking jobs and needed to lose weight,” she says. “They were just really rude to me. So I was like, I need to get out of this industry immediately.”

Ferreira had always wanted to be an actress — she did theater at the Variety Boys & Girls Club of Queens as a kid — but thought her look might prove restrictive. She never saw anyone who looked like her on television, and for a long time she was convinced she couldn’t be an actress unless she lost a substantial amount of weight.

But then the audition for “Euphoria” came up — a gig every single one of her plus-size model friends in New York was going out for. Because her character on the show is somewhat of an outsider, Ferreira was nervous about playing another “high school outcast” in “Unpregnant.” The film would call on her to play a brash teen with green hair who has lost her now-pregnant best friend to the mean girl crowd.

But Rachel Lee Goldenberg, who directed the film, highlighted the differences in the two young female characters — noting that in the movie, Ferreira’s character’s wild side would serve as a front for inner turmoil. On set, the filmmaker was impressed by Ferreira’s ability to reach deep emotional levels on cue.

“Barbie is so great at just jumping in and doing it,” says Goldenberg. “Haley likes to find a deep truth in the moment, and Barbie is able to create that pretty quickly for herself. She can jump into a scene and do a line five different ways. There was one scene where a stunt guy had showed them how to fall out of a car but be just a foot from the ground. But Barbie said: ‘I’m just gonna do it.’ She went from full standing and threw herself on the ground and rolled. Everyone just gasped, and she was like, ‘I’m fine!’”

Moving forward, Ferreira says, she hopes to follow a similar freewheeling approach to her career. She’s not “overly serious” about strategizing about the roles she takes and says the actress she most admires is Tilda Swinton. She wants her next project to be something “very wild,” playing something like a “goblin/vampire/witch/possessed child.”land

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