Amy Sedaris warns Werner Herzog for Ellen Ripley impersonation!

I’d sort of taken this season’s incredible roster of guest stars for granted, assuming that The Mandalorian was just stacking its universe full of familiar faces that it could bring back when it needed to, and her character was the one I was most excited about.

On the other hand, the manner of her death was itself a sort of shout-out to the original trilogy as far as I’m concerned. After all, Fennec Shand was built up as this massive threat, only to be defeated by a newbie thanks to her own advice. Forget Mando — she’s the Boba Fett of this tale, and she may as well have fallen face-first into a Sarlacc Pit.

And then there’s the fan service that was targeted specifically to me: Amy Sedaris playing a mechanic named Peli Motto Jerri Blank doing a goddamn Ellen Ripley impersonation, all while cooing at Baby Yoda like its one of her real-life pet bunnies. That’s the moment that broke me, and made me realize that I’m just not going to be able to be unbiased about this show whatsoever.

It was one thing when I could sort of separate the way Baby Yoda shakes me, from my eyeballs down to my uterus, from the rest of the goings-on, but then Sedaris recreated her Strangers With Candy strut and I just… could… not… breathe. Star Wars is fine and all — I like it! It’s neat! — but Sedaris is MY Jedi, and the fact that The Mandalorian gave her to me in this package means that it’s got me in the bag completely. Just tell Werner Herzog to stick a fork in me, cuz I’m DONE.