Thomas Schlechter: If you want to improve, you have to push yourself to the limit

showimage Thomas Schlechter:  If you want to improve, you have to push yourself to the limit
The summit motivation is Germany’s highest motivation seminar – the personality-development-event and mountain experience with Thomas Schlechter

„The Ascent“ harnesses mental and physical peak performance

Ehrwald / Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. On July 27 and 28, 2012 it will once again be time. Thomas Schlechter, event trainer for mental power, inner strength and peak motivation will offer a unique mountain experience that will target all your senses. Through a combination of extreme hiking, mental training and motivational seminars, „the Ascent“ on the Zugspitze unlocks new potential. Internal and external skills and deploying your energy at the key moment are not a matter of coincidence, but something everyone can learn, promises the top motivator.

„No one has to be a victim of their own emotions and moods“, Thomas Schlechter explains. Everyone has mental power reserves, which they simply need to unlock. The ability to use them at crucial moments during stressful and particularly demanding situations is the key to personal success. Only people who can control their emotions and are willing to boldly change their own moods, perspectives and doctrines can achieve peak motivation – be it in their job, their private lives or during sport. „Mental and physical fitness are flip sides of the same coin“, says the former competitive athlete and media entrepreneur.

„The Ascent“, says Schlechter, is not only Germany“s highest motivation seminar, but also an unforgettable mountain and nature experience. The beauty of the Zugspitze provides a perfect backdrop to experience one“s mental powers, mental and physical fitness and the stretching of personal motivational limits. „The 18 kilometer route up the Zugspitze becomes a seminar room. Personal development, self-awareness and positive energy are guaranteed“, says the event trainer when describing his concept, which has already helped numerous participants to become more productive and successful. Using mental techniques from the world of professional sport and individual „exercises in places of power“, absolutely everyone can achieve their potential. Peak motivation is not the exclusive domain of entrepreneurs and executives, but is available to anyone who wants to achieve specific goals or simply reach new levels of peak motivation.

The two-day seminar program starts on Friday, 27 July 2012 with an introductory workshop on personality strategies and finishes on Saturday, 28 July 2012 on the summit of the mountain. „Individual mentoring from experienced mountain guides will be provided at all times“, the event trainer promises. The shared experience of hiking and new mental power techniques will also be professionally supervised during the ascent.

Everyone interested in activating their mental power, inner strength and individual peak motivation can find more information on Registration is open to any interested parties in „the Ascent“ on July 27 and 28, 2012, and additional information about prices, program and the organization is available at „The Ascent“ and the training course will be held in English.

Thomas Schlechter ist der Experte für Spitzenmotivation, mentale Kraft und innere Stärke. Der diplomierte Sportlehrer hat als Hochleistungssportler und als Medienunternehmer Erfolge gefeiert. Mit seiner enerise-Methode coacht er Prominente, Unternehmer, Führungskräfte, Spitzensportler und alle, die neue Inspirationen suchen und ihre persönliche Performance im Beruf oder im Alltag steigern wollen. Er begleitet Firmen und Teams zum Erfolg ? unter anderem verhalf er dem 1. FC Köln zum Aufstieg in die 1. Bundesliga. Scheinbar ausweglose und lebensbedrohliche Situationen hat der Extremsportler schon selbst erlebt und er weiß, was es heißt, dann mental stark zu sein, Gedanken die richtige Richtung zu geben und Emotionen zu kontrollieren.

Als Eventtrainer bietet Thomas Schlechter einzigartige Bergerlebnisse und Selbsterfahrungen an. Die ?Gipfelmotivation? auf der Zugspitze ? Deutschlands höchstes Motivationsseminar, ?der Aufstieg?, die ?Leadership-Tage? und die ?Life-Balance-Tage? sind Formate, in denen jeder lernen kann, seine mentale Stärke zu nutzen und Spitzenmotivation abzurufen. ?Mit Schlechter wird es besser?, titelte die BILD..

Weitere Informationen unter und

enerise – Training Seminare Coaching
Thomas Schlechter
Zugspitzstr. 398
6632 Ehrwald
+43 – 5673 – 202030

Spreeforum International GmbH
Falk Al-Omary
Trupbacher Straße 17
57072 Siegen
0171 / 2023223