Tata Communications und Nawras nehmen Tata Global Network-Gulf (TGN-Gulf)-Kabelsystem zwischen dem Oman und Indien in Betrieb

Tata Communications, weltweiter Anbieter von Kommunikationslösungen und Betreiber des weltweit größten Unterwasserkabelnetzwerks, und Nawras , Kommunikationsanbieter aus dem Oman, nehmen das TGN-Gulf-Kabel zwischen dem Oman und Indien in Betrieb. Das Unterwasserkabel ermöglicht die sofortige Weiterleitung von Sprach- und Daten-Traffic zwischen dem Oman und Mumbai (Indien) sowie über das Tata Global Network (TGN) zum Rest der Welt.

Die neue Kabelverbindung bietet große Kapazitäten für Breitband und hochwertige Voice-Services. Nawras hat somit die Möglichkeit, der wachsenden Nachfrage ihrer Kunden nach internationalen Voice- und Daten-Services zu begegnen – sowohl in Form von Anrufen oder dem Surfen im Internet.


Tata Communications and Nawras go-live with Oman to India Tata Global Network-Gulf (TGN-Gulf) cable system

New cable link provides access to global, high-speed voice and data route to support the government“s initiative of driving broadband penetration and digital growth in the Sultanate of Oman

Muscat, Oman – 15 November 2011 – Tata Communications, a global communications service provider that owns and operates the world“s largest subsea cable network, and Nawras, Oman“s customer-friendly communications provider, today announce the launch of the Oman to India TGN-Gulf cable. The undersea cable will be used to instantaneously route voice and data traffic from Oman to Mumbai (India) and onwards to the rest of the world, via the Tata Global Network (TGN).

The new cable link offers enormous capacity for broadband and high quality voice services, enabling Nawras to meet the growing demand for international voice and data services from its customers – be it in the form of calls or internet surfing.

„We are proud to bring a new cable system to Oman in association with Nawras,“ says Radwan Moussalli, Tata Communications“ Managing Director, Middle East and North Africa (MENA). „The Middle East is fast establishing itself as an emerging market hotspot for business which brings with it the need for solid infrastructure and associated enterprise services that require high speed bandwidth. This launch is yet another step in our overall strategy to participate and assist in the rapid development of this key region.“

The development forms part of the strategic TGN-Gulf cable project which will connect the Gulf region to the rest of the world via the Tata Global Network, providing reliable high speed bandwidth to all the key cities in the world. The TGN-Gulf Cable System, acting as a gateway to the TGN, will provide a new dimension to the infrastructure and unique service capabilities of each of the partners. Using its own cable stations, each party will have access to a new high-speed global route, adding much needed resilience and diversity to the infrastructure in each country. The capacity will also help to support the continued expansion of broadband penetration, internet usage and enterprise applications in each market.

„The new cable is an exciting milestone as Nawras will now gain bandwidth to economically meet the ever-growing demand for voice and data services from our valued customers, for mobile and fixed line. It will also reduce international interconnection costs as well as national and international transmission lease-line costs, while at the same time allowing Nawras total end-to-end quality control. We can also now expand our service portfolio to include international data and transmission services,“ says Ross Cormack, CEO, Nawras.

The launch forms part of a strategic roll out plan to support the development of an extended portfolio of advanced telecommunications services such as global Ethernet, MPLS-based VPN, Managed Security, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and global Telepresence. All these services are suited to support both local and global enterprises, which are very active in this rapidly expanding emerging market region.

The TGN-Gulf project landing parties are Nawras (Sultanate of Oman), Etisalat (United Arab Emirates), Qatar Telecom (Qatar), Bahrain Internet Exchange (Kingdom of Bahrain), and Mobily (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

Über Tata Communications
Tata Communications ist weltweiter Anbieter einer neuen Welt der Kommunikation. Mit einer leitenden Position auf den Schwellenmärkten lässt Tata Communications seine fortschrittlichen Möglichkeiten und Domänenkenntnisse in die globalen und pan-indischen Netzwerke einfließen, um verwaltete Lösungen für multinationale Konzerne, Dienstanbieter und indische Verbraucher zu liefern.

Das Tata Global Netzwerk umfasst eines der größten und modernsten Unterseekabelnetzwerke, ein Tier-1-IP-Netzwerk mit Konnektivität in über 200 Ländern in 400 PoPs und ein ca. 1 Million Quadratfuss großes Datenzentrum und Kollokationsraum weltweit.

Tata Communications Tiefe und Breite beim Erreichen der Schwellenmärkte umfasst die Führung in den indischen Geschäftsdatendiensten, Führungsposition bei der globalen internationalen Sprachübertragung, sowie strategische Investitionen in Südafrika (Neotel), Sri Lanka (Tata Communications Lanka Limited) und Nepal (United Telecom Limited).

Tata Communications Limited ist an der Bombay-Börse und der nationalen Börse von Indien gelistet, seine ADRs sind an der New Yorker Börse gelistet. (NYSE: TCL)

Tata Communications
Janice Goveas
Bandra Kurla Complex
400 098 Mumbai
+91 922 339 4575


Hill & Knowlton Communications GmbH
Nicole Stück
Schwedlerstraße 6
60314 Frankfurt am Main
069 244 3292 13