The best way to Teach Your Dog Not to Sit

When meeting new customers, I like to ask them if their dog has had any previous training. More times than not, they tell me how clever their dog is but, no, they haven’t done much formal training. „He does sit however. Watch… Buddy, sit. Sit. Sit. Come here boy, sit. Sit. Sit.“ The whole time they’re telling the dog to sit, he’s running round the room doing everything but sitting. „He is a little over excited but he does understand the best way to do it,“ they consistently say.


Occasionally, in dog training, understanding what not to do is equally as valuable as being aware of what to do. If we pay closer attention to my customer as well as their dog Buddy

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, we’ve got the response. In case you would like to teach your dog not to sit, follow these three easy steps:


  1. Before issuing your order, ensure that your dog is distracted and not paying any attention to you what so ever.
  2. While pursuing your dog throughout the room, duplicate the order over and over again. Attempt distinct tones and decibel levels, but keep duplicating.
  3. When your dog does not sit, make sure there are no effects.


So there you’ve got it. Three easy steps to ensure that your dog never, ever learns to sit. Do Buddy and his owner seem familiar? In that case, do not stress. We can mend you.


Teaching your dog to sit may be carried through a short span of time if you, the trainer, are consistent. The very first thing I enjoy to do would be to instruct the dog, the behavior I need.

Holding on to a treat, I’ll possess the dog face me. I keep the treat before me, waist high consistent with all the dog’s nose (just out of reach). When the dog is staring at the treat, I slowly begin to push the treat back and over the dog’s head just out of reach. Then I say sit and wait. When the dog sits, he gets the treat. If he does not sit right away, I simply stand there holding the treat and stay still and quiet. In case the dog leaps for the treat, I pull it away and then put it back. The key here isn’t to say anything after I say the order, sit.


If I must stand there like a statue for a minute or two, I do not care. Inside my experience, I discover dogs like to run through their bag of tricks if a treat is in sight. If you do not react to any of them, finally they sit. That is when you swoop in with the treat and praise.


Maria A. Iglesias
Managing Director hundesitting im kanton zürich
23754 Mount Pleasant Landing Cir
Saint Michaels, MD 21663-2516
(410) 745-7044