Ventura County, CA, United States; 14, November 2014: Your Chief Simplicity Officer, an established leader in business coaching, today offers 5 tips to help simplify business sponsorship decisions. During the holidays, small business owners often question how much cheer they can spread without losing their jingle.
Maura Raffensperger, founder of Your Chief Simplicity Officer, and a proud Elite Member Sponsor ofthe National Association of Women Business Owners, Ventura County (NAWBOVC) knows this dilemma well after 17 years in business. „Like many business owners, I am frequently asked to sponsor nonprofits;“ says Maura, „It used to be hardto say ‘No’, but I have found answering five key questions makes the decision easy, and creates a ‘winwin’ for both ofus.“
Check your list. Raffensperger offers a list of5 qualities to look for in a potential sponsorship opportunity:
1. The organization aligns with your values. „NAWBO, for example, is ‘a cohesive community of women business owners sharing best practices and support for each other’ which is a great fit for my business and personal values, and mission statement.,“ states Raffensperger.
2. The organization has a written sponsorship policy. What do they expect of you? Are there multiple types of sponsorship? Pick the best fit.
3. There is a responsive contact within the organization for sponsors.In a nonprofit, this person may change every year. Do you know how to contact them? Do they get back to you? Ideally, you would like to build a relationship with this person.
4. You’ll be able to take advantage ofmost, ifnot all, ofthe sponsorship benefits. You may think they just want your money, but they want your participation, too. Ifyour sponsorship includes seats at a banquet, for instance, they want to see those seats filled. You can be creative, and offer the tickets to clients, employees, or a student who might benefit, but it is your responsibility to make sure there is not a lonely empty table with your company name on it.
5. They want to recognize you make it easy for them. Respond promptly to their initial requests for your logo and company description, so they can add you to their promo materials and website.
Your company may have a long list ofsponsorship requests this season. These tips can help you decide which ones to put on the „nice“ list.
Raffensperger and her company Your Chief Simplicity Officer is the Sponsor ofthe November 20, 2014 NAWBOVC meeting. Participants are invited to register at: Get a 10% discount on registration when you use promo code „MAURA‘.
These tips are available for republication with a link back to Maura Raffensperger is available for interviews. To schedule an interview or to request more information, call 8056162466.
More About Your Chief Simplicity Officer:
Founded in March 2010, Your Chief Simplicity Officer has helped many solopreneurs and small businesses with business coaching. The company’s mission statement is „Be the CEO, not the Secretary, of Your Business „. Fifty percent ofher clients also discover unique ‘hidden’ sources of income in their businesses that are now providing them an extra $1000 or more a month. To learn more about Your Chief Simplicity Officer, you should call 8056162466 or visit them online at
For Media Contact:
Your Chief Simplicity Officer
Attention: Maura Raffensperger
Ventura County, CA
Submitted by Done4U Media Marketing