eXtra4 care and cleaning products for thermal transfer printers
New to the eXtra4 range: Care product for label printers
Big or small – the investment for a label printer is supposed to pay off. It literally lies in every user“s hands as it only takes a few movements to bring a long lifetime to thermal transfer devices: Put some cleaning agent on a lint-free cloth, wipe quickly over the rubber rollers and sweep over the print bar with the tip of the cleaning pen – that“s it.
Cleaning agent 81 RW in plastic bottles of 250 ml and pen 81
TLP-RSTIF with a big tank last for at least 2 years with regular care intervals.
Care should be regular, however, as rubber rollers and print head are decisive for the print quality. They have to be free from residue such as paper dust, glue and ink ribbon particles. It is therefore recommendable to combine the care routine with the ink ribbon change. The printer has to be opened anyway to do this, and all relevant parts of the device are freely accessible then.
If care remains undone, this may considerably affect the print quality: The rubber rollers will lose their grip due to paper dust, the track guidance and therefore the print positioning will no longer be accurate.
Neglecting the print head is even more serious.
Dirt on the print bar may lead to overheat and to blow the heating elements of single pixels.
The results will be white skips or stripes in the print image. The typeface will become blurry, the barcode illegible and the entire print head will be irreparably damaged. It will have to be replaced.
Repairs involve effort and costs, but may be quite beneficial. Since regardless of whether an industrial device prints a large number of labels or whether a desktop device prints smaller numbers several times in a month – the core technology remains the same. And it does not become obsolete, not even over the years.
„We have customers who bought a thermal transfer device from us some 10 to 12 years ago and who have still been producing labels in top quality until today. From a purely technological point of view there is no reason for not having an old device repaired at least once or not having it simply overhauled“ says General Manager Alex Schickel. „This is still more favourable than to entirely replace it. High quality printers such as the ones that we at Ferdinand Eisele select from the market for the eXtra4 product range do have a long lifetime in terms of material and mechanics.“
New products are often only justified when they involve changes on the electronics, controls or ports side as well. Those who have what they require in this regard should not be afraid of repairs and should attach great importance to care – at best right from the start.
More information at http://www.extra4.com./
Das Unternehmen ist seit seiner Gründung 1931 durch die für den Standort Pforzheim typische Schmuckindustrie geprägt. Den ursprünglichen Kern des Produktprogramms bildet deshalb eine Vielfalt von Etiketten zur Auszeichnung von Schmuck und Uhren. Ob Ring-Etiketten oder Ketten-Etiketten, Etiketten für Ohrringe und Nadeln, Perlen-Etiketten oder Etiketten für Uhrarmbänder, selbst Etiketten für Brillen – für die ganze Warenpalette finden Goldschmiede, Juweliere, Schmuck-Großhändler und -Hersteller das passende Etikett zur Auszeichnung.
Eine Vielzahl an Extras, die das das Etikett, zum umfassenden Etikettiersystem ergänzen, bereichern zusätzlich die Produktpalette. Das Angebot reicht von Hardware, wie Thermotransferdrucker und Barcode-Scanner, bis zur Beschriftung via Etiketten-Software.
Mit „extra4“ bietet Eisele ein eigenes Etiketten-Druckprogramm, das auf mehr als 20 Jahre betriebsinterner Software-Entwicklung und langjährige Erfahrung mit Computer-Druckern im Unternehmen aufbaut. Nicht ohne Grund ist es in der Schmuck- und Uhren-Branche weltweit im Einsatz.
2006 bündelt die Ferdinand Eisele GmbH unter der Marke eXtra4 Labelling Systems ihre Angebots- und Leistungspalette für den internationalen Markt. Unter dem Label smaRT-Inventory führt das Unternehmen 2007 eigene RFID-Etiketten in der Branche ein und tätigt damit erneut einen richtungsweisenden Schritt auf dem Gebiet der Etikettierung von Schmuck, Uhren und Optik.
Ferdinand Eisele GmbH
susanne schickel
Carl-Benz-Str. 17
75217 Birkenfeld