CostumeExpress Gets Mentioned On BookkeepingEducation Website has recently gotten a mention on the website. For sure, they are thankful of this, as the Bookkeeping Education site is incredibly popular and provides people with a wealth of information and advice. It is expected that they will see a significant rise in customers following this link, due to the fact that so many people follow the advice provided on this website.

The article itself discusses books that people should let their children read. Reading is a very important activity for the cognitive development of young minds and, of course, it is not an activity to be dismissed altogether by adults as well. It is strange to think that in the 18th century, people believed that excessive reading would corrupt the mind (of young girls in particular) and cause social isolation. Interestingly, this is what is now believed about playing video games. Some of the books that are recommended on the website include The Phantom Tollbooth by Norman Juster, Watership Down by Richard Adams, The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling, Coraline by Neil Gaiman and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. These books cover a wide range of subjects and interests and are sure to get kids into the reading habit.

Each of these books are iconic and children regularly become almost obsessed with the characters of the stories. Once this happens, they want to surround themselves with elements of those stories whenever possible. As such, parents often find themselves organizing themed parties, with decorations, costumes and more, all in the theme of that particular book or story. This is important for their social development as well.

„Playing dress-up and immersing yourself in a fantasy world is something that all parents should encourage and support in their children,“ says Dr. Brad Flang, psychologist. „It teaches children to become more aware of the fact that there is a world outside of their own, where other people have feelings and beliefs as well.“ is at the forefront of this type of social and cognitive education by providing parents with the opportunity to get all necessary party supplies for a particular themed party. This includes costumes, so children truly can immerse themselves in that world that they want to explore. Additionally, they have a strong focus on affordability, as they feel all families should have a chance to enjoy themed parties.

It is possible to find out more about the books and Costume Express by following the link. Be sure to check it out for some great inspiration.