Tips to Stop Mosquito Bite Itching

There are many products to keep mosquitoes away from you. Problem is that the spays are filled with chemicals like DEET. You have to decide if keeping the insects away now is a better long term choice than keeping your body chemical free.

What do you use that worked or what natural repellents have you heard about?

This summer in Minnesota has been on the cool side with little rain. That means we didn’t fight mosquitoes – until this past week when we were camping. The pesky mosquitoes were out for blood – OURS!

I keep a bottle of water and Eucalyptus Essential Oil to help repel the bugs. Since bugs have not been a problem I forgot to pack any natural repellent.

I had to use what we packed to stop the itching. I’ve added other tips – some I’ve tried others I haven’t tried yet.

Spray the mixture on pulse points. The sweet smell blocks the receptors Fruta Planta Reduce Weight on mosquitoes‘ antennae, which prevents the bugs from being able to „sniff out“ human prey.

I read this in First for Women magazine and it did work.

To stop mosquitoes from spoiling your outdoor fun grab some pure vanilla extract from your kitchen. In a spray bottle, mix 1 tsp. of vanilla extract with one cup of filtered water. May not need filtered water, all I have is filtered so it’s a habit to use only filtered water.