The book is well written for all, especially for people without fitness or nutrition backgrounds. You will learn how your body responds to real food and what you can eat, no matter where you are or how busy you are. It is unique with it’s glossy pages, inspiring pictures and ‚Dear Tosca‘ letters from people who are trimmer and fitter from eating clean.
This is not a diet book that tells you to move more and eat less. Though, you will find a chapter just for exercise and fitness tips all through the book. The exercise tips are Pai You Guo Pills especially helpful for folks that have not exercised for a while and have doubts about their ability.
Eat more food and eat more often eat more to lose weight
Eat more does not mean eat more of the same junk or processed food we have grown used to eating. You will eat smaller meals of lean protein and complex carbs every 3 hours, about 6 small meals a day. Eating every three hours keeps you satisfied without cravings for sweets and processed snacks.
Tosca explains a formula she believes is key to reworking your physique to look like one you would admire.
You read that right, she says that it’s actually 80% nutrition that shapes a lean healthy body. What a concept and what if it worked for you… Wouldn’t it be wonderful to finally take back your body with the 80% of the results coming from great nutrition? I think so….and I think a lot of burned out dieters will see results using Tosca’s eat-clean diet resources