Calgary, Albert, February 10, 2014 – Friends of Science are denouncing recent remarks on climate change by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, as being unsupported by science, as reported in Canada’s Globe and Mail Feb. 01, 2013.
„This is a senseless form of public scaremongering from a body that has no expertise in climate science,“ says Ken Gregory, director of research for Friends of Science. „The sources listed in the 2013 World Economic Forum Global Risks report refer to very outdated climate information.“
In a recent report entitled „97% Consensus? No! Global Warming Math Myths and Social Proofs.“ Friends of Science demonstrate that only 1-3% of scientists surveyed in 3 of the most-cited consensus surveys, explicitly agree with the claim that more than half of the global warming since 1950 was caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Many scientists see carbon dioxide as beneficial and though humankind’s impact on climate is evident, it is nominal.
„Using frightening rhetoric like Madame Lagarde’s statements that „future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled“ is very irresponsible,“ says Gregory. „The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggests no such thing. The IPCC reduced its estimate of future warming in their recent report. There has been no warming since 1998.“
On July 18, 2013 Roger Pielke, Jr. presented testimony to the US Senate that extreme weather has diminished and the hottest days in North America were during the drought of the 1930’s.
Gregory refers to Dr. Roy Spencer’s June 4, 2013 graph „Epic Fail“ showing that 73 climate models predicted have all failed to match actual temperatures.
„This is a type of psychological terror – Children across the developed world are suffering from depression thanks to such unrestrained rhetoric,“ says Gregory.
Bjorn Lomberg addressed this issue in his June 15, 2009 article „Scared Silly Over Climate“ in The Guardian. In it he cites cases of children obsessed with saving polar bears, terrified themselves of dying of global warming,
„As noted in our recent report on the 97% ’nonsensus‘ – this type of psychological manipulation is intended to force people to comply,“ says Gregory.
Environment News Service reported on Jan. 25, 2014 Lagarde’s demands for more investment in green energy – a sector that is facing spectacular collapse around the world, and the interest in pricing carbon appear to be connected to World Bank green investments.
The World Bank has invested heavily in carbon and green energy schemes for Third World Countries, but is having trouble finding a trading partner now that the carbon markets of Europe are worthless.
CBC reported Jan. 21, 2014 that the World Economic Forum on Energy and Climate Change will be held in Alberta, Canada April 24-25, 2014.
Says Gregory. „Can Canadian resource industries expect a fair hearing when the Managing Director of the IMF, is making catastrophic climate change predictions based on faulty and unscientific information?“
Businessweek on Jan. 24, 2014 reported green energy projects are losing subsidies, investment funding and popular support world-wide.
Citing an April 11, 2013 Fraser Institute study by Canadian economist Ross McKitrick, Gregory states „Renewable ‚green‘ energy like wind and solar have proven to be some 10 times the cost of conventional fuel with no net environmental benefit.“
After a decade of climate science review, Friends of Science hold the position that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not you. Not carbon dioxide (CO2).
Friends of Science have spent a decade reviewing a broad spectrum of literature on climate change and have concluded the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2). The core group of the Friends of Science is made up of retired earth and atmospheric scientists.
Contact: Friends of Science Society P.O. Box 23167, Connaught P.O. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2S 3B1 Toll-free Telephone: 1-888-789-9597 Web: E-mail: contact(at)
Press Contact:
Michelle Stirling
Friends of Science
Calgary, Albert
+1 (888) 789-9597