Club Resort Intervals Proudly Announced That It Experienced a Major Reduction in Complaints During 2013

Manchester, New Hampshire, January 28, 2014 – Customer Service is one of the things that sets Club Resorts Intervals apart from other luxury accommodation providers. CRI deals with complaints head on in an effort to always turn any incident of member dissatisfaction into a learning experience. It is this attentiveness to customer service and forward-thinking mentality that has allowed CRI to dramatically decrease its member complaints.

Representatives at Club Resort Intervals are trained in problem solving and finding answers. By keeping reports on past complaints, the company is able to eliminate similar episodes in the future. As complaints decrease, positive reviews are on the rise. It is of the utmost importance to CRI that every member is satisfied with his or her vacation booking and travel experience. The staff at CRI is able to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues that members might be experiencing.

Over the last year, fewer and fewer complaints have rolled in. Club Resort Intervals knows that attentively listening to its members is one of the first steps in providing outstanding service. CRI understands how frustrating it can be when trying to explain a problem and not being heard, which is why this luxury vacation provider gives extra attention to member issues.

Club Resort Intervals takes every measure to ensure that its member’s accommodations are affordable and luxurious. Taking that commitment seriously means coordinating with properties that offer comfortable accommodations, state-of-the-art amenities, and incredible service in prime locations. CRI believes that members‘ resort accommodations should be as comfortable and welcoming as their own home. When something goes wrong, Club Resort Intervals assesses the issue as fast as possible so that members don’t have to be inconvenienced.

It’s no wonder customer service ratings are up and complaints are down. With attention to its member’s needs, this luxury vacation provider knows what it takes to keep travelers happy and coming back. service (at) crivacation (dot) com 603-669-1555


Press release distributed by JW Maxx Solutions, a leader in online reputation management and a part of a family of companies that includes Prensa Ahora and Enterate Ahora.

Press Contact:
Media Relations
Club Resort Intervals
Manchester, New Hampshire
+1 (877) 390-1597