„Upgrade to Premium Packaging“: African beer brand SKOL now in aluminum Impact Bottle by Ball

showimage "Upgrade to Premium Packaging": African beer brand SKOL now in aluminum Impact Bottle by Ball

SKOL Platinum in Impact Bottles by Ball

African beer brand SKOL introduces Impact Bottles made by Ball Packaging Europe

Zurich, Switzerland, January 15th, 2014 – The African beer brand SKOL introduces Impact Bottles made by Ball Packaging Europe to market its SKOL PLATINUM beer in Rwanda. The Impact extruded bottle is first launched on the growing African market which is set to double in size over the next ten years. The longneck aluminum flask emphasizes the premium brand in adding elegance at point of sale. With its entire surface printed in eight different colors, the design shines to attract a luxury thirsty target group. Protecting the product from light and air, the shiny pack consistently keeps content fresh and quality steady.

The brand team around SKOL has a vision: They want to build SKOL to a major quality beer brand all over Africa. Connecting people by creating relieve, aspiration and fun, they see consumers at the heart of everything they do. Looking for superior quality, service and innovation opportunities, they worked with beverage can producer Ball and opted for the premium product Impact Bottle to underline the superior quality of their SKOL PLATINUM Beer.

The 33cl Impact Bottle targets a young and urban consumer group between the age of 22 and 28. Mark Mugarura, marketing director at SKOL in Rwanda, is convinced of the benefits of the longneck aluminum bottle: „We always strive to be unique and differentiate ourselves from our competitors. An innovative packaging like the Impact Bottle provides us with a great opportunity to add to our portfolio.“

It is no surprise that Aluminum bottles are in growing demand, as they’re perceived as the absolute premium form of metal packaging. The innovative lifestyle packaging is preferred by modern consumers and product benefits include the premium appeal, enabled also by the creative design options with eye-catching graphics (Inks: Up to eight colors can be applied, including gold/silver, UV/ fluorescent, transparent/opaque plus three options of over varnish: gloss, semi-matte & matte).

The Impact Bottle is one hundred percent recyclable and offers advantages for manufacturer and consumer alike: It is light, cannot shutter, chills fast and feels cool. An air cushion absorbs the pressure of carbonation and so reduces the risk of fizzing. The slender bottle serves as a brand ambassador at point of sale or at high-profile events and premium hotspots. „Our Impact Bottles have a premium appeal,“ says Adriana Escobar, product manager at Ball. „In addition they are absolutely lightproof and act as a shield for sensitive beverages, protecting the quality of the product perfectly and hence allowing the consumer to indulge in a thorough brand experience.“

Just the right packaging, to help our customer in fulfilling their mission to make SKOL a PAN-AFRICAN beer brand building on its African, Brazilian and European roots. SKOL will use the Impact Bottle primarily as packaging for special occasions or limited offers. „The initial launch is planned for the Rwandan market only, but if our consumers appreciate our beer in the new Impact Bottle, we may adopt it in some of our other markets,“ said Mugarura.

Impact Bottles by Ball Packaging Europe are made of aluminum and are available in sizes: 33cl – 50cl short neck and 33cl – 47,3cl long neck. Full decoration is possible in up to 8 colors (including gold/silver, UV, fluorescent, transparent/opaque). The end is typically a crown cork and the packaging is 100%, and endlessly, recyclable.

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Sylvia Blömker
Director Public Relations
Phone: +49 2102 130 451
Mobile: +49 172 514 1503
Visit us at www.ball-europe.com

Renee Robinson
Ball Corporation
+1 303-460-2476

About Ball Corporation
Ball Corporation supplies innovative, sustainable packaging solutions for beverage, food and household products customers, as well as aerospace and other technologies and services primarily for the U.S. government. Ball Corporation and its subsidiaries employ 15,000 people worldwide and reported 2012 sales of more than $8.7 billion. For more information, visit www.ball.com, or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.

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This release contains „forward-looking“ statements concerning future events and financial performance. Words such as „expects,“ „anticipates,“ „estimates“ and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Key risks and uncertainties are summarized in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Exhibit 99 in our Form 10-K, which are available on our website and at www.sec.gov. Factors that might affect: a) our packaging segments include product demand fluctuations; availability/cost of raw materials; competitive packaging, pricing and substitution; changes in climate and weather; crop yields; competitive activity; failure to achieve productivity improvements or cost reductions; mandatory deposit or other restrictive packaging laws; changes in major customer or supplier contracts or loss of a major customer or supplier; political instability and sanctions; and changes in foreign exchange or tax rates; b) our aerospace segment include funding, authorization, availability and returns of government and commercial contracts; and delays, extensions and technical uncertainties affecting segment contracts; c) the company as a whole include those listed plus: changes in senior management; successful or unsuccessful acquisitions and divestitures; regulatory action or issues including tax, environmental, health and workplace safety, including U.S. FDA and other actions or public concerns affecting products filled in our containers, or chemicals or substances used in raw materials or in the manufacturing process; technological developments and innovations; litigation; strikes; labor cost changes; rates of return on assets of the company’s defined benefit retirement plans; pension changes; uncertainties surrounding the U.S. government budget, sequestration and debt limit; reduced cash flow; ability to achieve cost-out initiatives; interest rates affecting our debt.

Bildrechte: SKOL

Ball Corporation
Ball Corporation stellt innovative, nachhaltige Verpackungslösungen für die Getränke-, Lebensmittel- und Haushaltswarenindustrie her. Darüber hinaus liefert die Ball Corporation Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik sowie andere Technologien und Dienstleistungen vorwiegend an die US-amerikanische Regierung. Die Ball Corporation und ihre Tochtergesellschaften beschäftigen weltweit 15.000 Menschen und erwirtschafteten 2012 einen Umsatz von über 8,7 Milliarden US-Dollar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.ball.com; oder besuchen Sie uns auf Facebook oder bei Twitter.

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Ball Packaging Europe
Sylvia Blömker
Kaiserswerther Str. 115
40880 Ratingen