If you want to know more details of the product that you want to buy, then what can do you of course you will surf the net and find the useful information that you are in need. And here if you want to buy the high power 3G phone jammers you have come to the right place as you can gain the overall aspects and knowledge of the 3G cell phone jammers here.
More and more people are using the signal blocker now and if observe carefully we can see that the 3G cell phone jammer is one types and here for those who want to gain the high power 3G phone blocker they can just come here to www.jammerfromchina.com and then gain the useful information of the “4 Antennas High Power Mobile Phone Jammer” and then you can know the details of it and make full use of this high power 3G signal blocker.
Just from the name of this high power 3G signal blocker we can also gain some information as we can know that this is designed with high power and the tabletop style so that this high power 3G signal blocker can be used in places such as the classroom, the meeting room, the office at home and so on. Besides since only have 4 antennas the signals of CDMA850(851-894MHz), GSM900(925-960MHz), DCS1800(1805-1880MHz), PCS 1900(1930-1990MHz) and 3G(2110-2185MHz) at the same time with up to 30 meters jamming distance depending on the signal strength in the given area. Also the installation of this high power 3G signal blocker is easier and will not waste your time.
So in need of such kind of high power signal jammers, then do not hesitate and just come here to pick up one.