One day, a friend mentioned that simple sugars

One day, a friend mentioned that simple sugars might help his father. Frank had never heard of them and was more than a bit skeptical. After all, they had already tried everything modern medicine had to offer.

But desperation drove Frank to check it out.

He was impressed with the logic of the science and the volume of clinical research available. This was obviously not some new miracle food with extravagant claims, backed by little or no real medical research.

Furthermore, he understood that simple sugars would be no more harmful than giving Daidaihua his dad a blueberry muffin. They were a food. Nothing more…nothing less.

He began with small doses. Then gradually increased the amount his father was taking until they reached the amount suggested by their Recovery Coach.

The results were amazing. Slowly, Frank’s father was able to speak more normally. His face lost its frozen expression. And he regained some of his old energy and animation.

One afternoon, Frank’s father asked to go bowling. This had been one of his favorite activities before the disease forced him to quit.

Frank was astounded and a bit apprehensive. After all, his father was still in a wheelchair. Super Slim But the desire on his father’s face was so intense he couldn’t refuse.

The sound of rolling balls and flying pins was like a tonic to Frank’s father. He sat up in his chair and looked around with excitement. After Frank placed his favorite bowling ball in his lap, he rolled himself up to the line on one of the lanes, swung the ball several times beside his chair and let it go.

Frank watched in amazement as the ball hit the pins. On that first try, his father had rolled a perfect strike.

When his father turned his chair around, he gave Frank a grin that split his face from ear to ear. It was one of the most Meizitang precious moments in Frank’s life.


Just that. Simple one-molecule sugars. But eight sugars so essential to the body that they must be internally manufactured if not supplied in the diet…which seldom happens.

Although the simple sugars have no healing power, they are a vital part of every cell’s communication system. Without them, a damaged cell cannot signal a need for resources to repair itself. Nor can good cells recognize bad cells, such as cancer cells, and trigger the immune system.