Horizontal Screens – Features and Benefits
Horizontal or low-angle screens are ideal where height is critical. One, two, three or four decks are possible. The screens can be used for sizing or scalping applications. The size range is 1220 x 2500 (4’ x 8’) to 1500 x 9600 (8’ x 30’).
1 The straight line vibrating motion is produced by two or more eccentric shafts geared together. By varying the timing of the gears, the vibrating motion can be fine-tuned to assist optimum screening of various aggregates.
2 Oil lubricated vibrator unit. Counter-weighted shafts are geared together and mounted on spherical roller bearings.
3 Coil springs efficiently isolate the screen from its supporting structure.
4 Friction checks built into the screen supports efficiently retard the screen during shut-down thus reducing forces transmitted to surrounding structures.
5 Generous height between decks allow for easier screening media changes.
6 When spraybars are required, they can be built into the screen side-plates eliminating spraybar supports, thus improving maintenance access.
7 Decks are rigidly constructed from generously sized box section. Unlike I section, box section eliminates trapped material which causes wear to the cross member.
Vibrating Feeders – Features and Benefits
CMB vibrating feeders combine scalping and feeding in a single operation. Providing a regulated flow of material to Primary crushers , CMB feeders can be custom-built to suit your installation and requirements.
1 Massive frame with heavy side members and I beam cross-members.
2 Variable speed drive available via inverter drive.
3 Motor and pivoting base.
4 Robust springs designed to isolate the feeder from its supporting structure, capable of supporting the feeder and a full material load.
5 Cast manganese steel grizzly bars can be individually removed or adjusted to meet changes in scalping material specifications.
6 Equipped with 400 Brinell abrasion resistant liners as standard. Stainless steel can be used for sticky materials.
7 Oil-lube vibrating unit comprises two parallel counterweighted offset shafts. This produces a motion which is 450 to the plane at the feeding surface.