New 2013/2014 wheel and tyre catalogue released by EUROPART

showimage New 2013/2014 wheel and tyre catalogue released by EUROPART

Hagen, 13/06/2013. In mid-June, EUROPART published a new catalogue on the subject of wheels and tyres. On 78 pages, the leading European dealer for commercial vehicle spare parts and workshop requirements presents its extensive wheel and tyre range together with comprehensive technical explanations and useful tips. Ralf Maurer, EUROPART“s Commercial Director, stated: „During the creation of this catalogue, it was important to us to have both a competent product range, which is relevant for the wheel and tire service today as well as to integrate concrete assistance and information that will enable customers to reduce costs and time. „

There are some useful explanations about the connection between the correct tyre pressure and fuel consumption, as well as tyre wear. Appropriately, in the EUROPART catalogue there is a special check valve cap which allows the tyre pressure to be monitored much faster and more easily, thus helping to reduce maintenance and operating costs for the truck. In the new catalogue, EUROPART offers time and cost saving solutions for repairs as well, such as a wheel bearing repair solution for Mercedes Sprinter/VW Crafter vehicles, which is 60% more efficient than the solution recommended by the manufacturers.

The catalogue is clearly divided into sections entitled: „Fitting and balancing“, „Lifting technology“, „Consumables for tyre servicing“, „Tyre storage“, „Tyre repairs“, „Tyre tools“, „Tyres, disc wheels, snow chains“, „Wheel safety“, „Workshop requirements“ and „Chemical products“. As well as products from the well-known brands in the segment, such as Rema Tip Top, AC or Kunzer, in the now published EUROPART wheel and tyre catalogue 2013/2014 there are also EUROPART own-brand products for all the vehicle models from all the major commercial vehicle manufacturers.

The catalogue can be ordered immediately from the Hotline number 0049(0)8009090905 and is available in all the German subsidiaries, it will soon be published in other European languages as well.

EUROPART ist der führende Händler von Ersatz- und Zubehörteilen für Nutzfahrzeuge, Busse und Spezialfahrzeuge aller Klassen in Europa. Darüber hinaus bietet EUROPART seinen Hauptkundengruppen aus Kfz-Werkstatt, Spedition und Flottenbetreibern ein breites Sortiment an Werkstattbedarf: Dieses umfasst die Bereiche Chemie, Werkstatt-/Betriebseinrichtung und -ausrüstung, Befestigungstechnik, Arbeitssicherheit u.v.m. für den Betriebsalltag.
Seit 2011 ist EUROPART im Besitz von Triton und Paragon. Triton ist spezialisiert auf Investitionen in führende mittelständische Unternehmen in den deutschsprachigen Ländern und Nordeuropa.
Der Jahresumsatz der EUROPART Gruppe belief sich im Jahr 2011 auf rund 420 Mio. EUR.

Anna Pasternak
Martinstraße 13
58135 Hagen