Tehran, Iran: Iran has never before felt the need of a secular, united and democratic movement as badly as now. The Islamic regime has always taken advantage of this vacuum of united secular movement to extend its destructive regime, plundering national wealth and killing innocent people. The situation is beginning to change slowly as millions of youth are now on the streets, ready to challenge the army backed by the Islamic regime. These young brave hearts of Iran have pledged to not rest until they achieve their freedom despite the risk of being killed, raped or tortured to death.
The new wave of democratic and secular movement must work towards installing democracy in Iran, which would provide the basis for any further development and progress of the people in the right direction. A democratic Iran, where people will directly elect authorities, based on their qualification and popularity and dictatorship will not find a place for itself. National interest should always be our priority and should never be bargained by foreign powers.
We should not let our society be the laboratory of an Islamic experiment. Nationally accepted leaders will be the outcome of our movement against this tyrannical regime. The need of the hour is a united and secular opposition that will help the ongoing revolution itself. This opposition movement will have to be ready with the alternative programme to be established immediately after the fall of the Islamic regime. This programme should offer the solutions Iranian people have been seeking for long.
Equality among the citizens must be one of the things that need to be implemented quickly. There should be total freedom of expression and absolutely no gender bias. Nobody should be punished for sharing their political or religious views. No Iranian women should be treated lesser than an Iranian man. From here on, we should completely give away the barbaric practices of stoning, amputation of limb, lashing or any human humiliation.
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