Feb 12, 2013 – Van Nuys, CA – At Delta 9 Collective, they understand the importance of your health and maintaining a high quality of life. Follow the steps below to kick start your health in the new year. Between regular exercise, lots of water, making conscious food decisions, and being sure to visit your doctor on a regular basis, you are certain to start living the life you have always envisioned. Delta 9 Collective is there to support and help you on your way to a more fruitful life. Health shouldn’t be hard, it only takes a few easy steps to begin your path to a happier future of well-being.
1. First and foremost, drink water. The human body is 70% water, so respect the H20. Try carrying around a BPA free water bottle that you can refill throughout the day. Not only will you be staying hydrated, but you will also be saving the planet.
2. Next, add in some exercise. Slowly at first, there is no need to shock your body into a routine that overwhelms you. Try walking around your neighborhood or even parking further away from the entrance to the grocery store. Every little step counts, so don’t beat yourself up about it. Here’s a tip: when you are lazy and don’t feel like doing anything, just do one minute. Chances are after you do one, you might as well do two, and hey, two is better than zero. Progress, not perfection.
3. Same goes for eating healthy foods. The number one fail people run into with dieting, is they crash out, then give up because the shock is so intense. There is no need to give up the things that you love if you love them. Instead of stopping unhealthy foods, try adding in healthy foods. Snacks like carrot sticks, grapes, almonds, and yogurt are easy to grab on the go, and the beautiful thing is, that the more you add in these sorts of foods, the less you start craving all that junky stuff.
4. The last easy step is to visit your doctor. Medicinal marijuana is an alternative to some traditional medicines. At Delta 9 Collective in Van Nuys, California, their staff of professionals seek to inform their patients about the benefits of medical cannabis, while also providing resources to help patients stay healthy. Check out the laws and see if you qualify today.
Take advantage of Delta 9 Collective’s Patient Appreciation Program. Delta 9 appreciates all of its patients, which is why if you save 7 receipts of $20 or more you’re entitled to a Free Gram. This is just one example of how Delta 9 Cares. Visit them today. Don’t wait another minute, and start living the life that you have always imagined. Get healthy and get out there with Delta 9 Collective’s help. Check them out on Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Weed Maps, YouTube, and more!
7648 Van Nuys Blvd.
Van Nuys, CA 91405
Phone: 818-997-1003
Open 10AM- 8PM Everyday
Email: delta9office@yahoo.com
Website: http://d9collective.com/