onion.net expands SharePoint

showimage onion.net expands SharePoint

onion.net is a silver sponsor at the European SharePoint Conference in Copenhagen from 4-7 February, which focuses on leading SharePoint® solutions. The bespoke content management system is based on Microsoft® .NET technology and is seamlessly integrated with Microsoft SharePoint. Visitors to the onion.net stand #6 in the accompanying exhibition will find practical insights into the interaction between SharePoint and the ultra-modern onion.net CMS and discover the benefits that are already being enjoyed by other companies.

Quick and secure – onion.net SharePoint Integration

The onion.net SharePoint Integration transfers relevant information automatically, rapidly and securely from SharePoint to the public Web and vice-versa. In this process the version and approval status in SharePoint is always taken into account. If an approval is withdrawn in SharePoint, the corresponding information is also cancelled on the Web, immediately and automatically. The rapid, easily expandable platform, onion.net can therefore link content, context and communication on the Web with collaboration processes on the intranet. Real-time integration facilitates more topical information and better self-service on the Web.

„Microsoft SharePoint is a vital platform for collaboration within most companies,“ says Bernd Burkert who, as Product Manager at onion.net, is also responsible for maintaining its partnership with Microsoft. „On the Web today we see a strong trend towards evolving the company website, which used to be purely a presentation platform, into a ‚virtual branch‘ providing services 24/7. The integration of onion.net with SharePoint is an optimal solution here, not least because of the technological proximity. Individual requirements can be implemented much more quickly with the proven components of the onion.net SharePoint Integration. This means that the systems are linked effectively and securely.“

Find out more about onion.net and the CMS for SharePoint by visiting us at the European SharePoint Conference from 4-7 February in Copenhagen, Stand #6 in the accompanying exhibition. What’s more, the new onion.net 4.0 release, which was delivered in December, is to be presented in its final form for the first time at the SharePoint Conference.
Arrange an appointment now with our experts at the event: http://onion.net/EuropeanSP

About onion.net

onion.net is CMS and more – the modern content management platform for fast-paced, bespoke projects. onion.net has been developed to optimise the clients‘ value chains by means of professional web and e-commerce sites. Notable European brands are already convinced of the ultramodern concept for editors, technicians and designers and rely on onion.net.

getit GmbH

Die seit der Gründung im Jahre 1999 im TZDO-TechnologieZentrumDortmund ansässige getit ist mit über 95 Mitarbeitern führender Anbieter leistungsstarker E-Commerce-Lösungen: Angefangen beim Consulting über Konzeption und Design bis hin zur Implementierung und Betrieb individueller Systeme.

Zu den Kernkompetenzen von getit zählen die strategische Beratung und Konzeption bei der Optimierung von webbasierten Geschäftsprozessen, sowie die Einführung und der Betrieb technisch anspruchsvoller, skalierbarer E-Commerce- und Enterprise-Content-Management-Plattformen.

Bei der systematischen Erfolgsanalyse und Optimierung von Webauftritten helfen die E-Commerce-Intelligence-Berater von getit. Mit innovativen Analysewerkzeugen zeichnen sie ein exaktes Bild der Nutzung. So können elektronischen Prozesse und Präsentationen stets den Erwartungen der ausgewählten Zielgruppen entsprechen.

Viele namhafte Unternehmen, wie z. B. Conrad Electronic, RWE, bofrost*, MEDION und Demag Cranes & Components haben sich bereits für getit entschieden.

getit GmbH
Neriman Cetinkaya
44227 Dortmund