Smarter Security Announces New Line Of Optical Turnstiles

January 22, 2013 – There are a lot of methods by which an unauthorized person can gain entry to a building. This includes tailgating which involves an outsider following an authorized employee immediately after the ID card is used to open the entrance door. Fortunately though there are ways that a company can prevent this, chief of these is by installing entrance controls like optical turnstiles. Smarter Security has recently announced its new line of turnstiles to the public, declaring that the new additions to their roster of security solutions are more efficient and better than ever. In an interview, company representatives explain the many advantages of using turnstiles in business establishments and office buildings.

The use of turnstiles to increase a building’s security has always been a very popular concept, and with technological advances we have seen how these entrance control devices have also been improved by various manufacturers. From the traditional tripod turnstile that was manually operated there is now a high demand for optical turnstiles that not only make the work of securing a building easier but also makes it doubly effective. Unlike previous turnstile designs, the newer ones have been programmed to detect an outsider by recognizing the one card, one entry system. With turnstiles, optical beams are tripped when a person uses an ID card to gain access, and if another person trips the beams with the same card credentials immediately after the first one then an alert is given to the security command post where security personnel will be notified of the irregularity. This system effectively eliminates illegal access and tailgating

This type of programming has been very useful in limiting the number of unauthorized access in buildings, especially those with a high restriction level like government offices and top corporations. These types of turnstiles offer a discreet yet very effective way of monitoring the volume of people in the building aside from making it more secure.

Smarter Security has been providing various security solutions to businesses and residences for a number of years, offering state of the art equipment made with the latest technology available. You can visit their website at to learn how they can offer you the security you need for your business. You can also get in touch with them through their toll free number at 800 943 0043 or their direct line at 512 328 7277 if you have any questions or inquiries.

Contact Info:

Jeff Strong
1107 Hwy 1431 #313
Marble Falls, TX, 78609
(512) 553-0500