Mark your calendars – prudsys reveals dates for DATA MINING CUP 2013

showimage Mark your calendars - prudsys reveals dates for DATA MINING CUP 2013

Due to positive participant response to the last event, prudsys AG has decided to hold the DATA MINING CUP in Berlin once again and has revealed the dates for the 14th DMC. Experts and companies will meet in Berlin from 2-3 July 2013 to exchange views on the news and trends in the field of intelligent data analysis and to award the best up and coming international data miners chosen from the preceding DMC competition (begins 3 April 2013).

For years, the DATA MINING CUP (DMC for short) has successfully combined data mining theory and practice. While the competitive component of the DMC is geared towards universities and colleges in an effort to give students a closer look at the topic of intelligent data analytics, the use of innovative data mining technologies in business and in the economy is the second pillar of the DMC and the focus of the prudsys User Days.
In the spring of 2013, the realtime analytics specialist prudsys once again calls on students of IT, business management and mathematics to try their hand at finding a solution to a data analysis problem. Starting 4th March 2013, interested students can register online at The start of the DMC competition falls on 3 April 2013 when the task is announced. The DATA MINING CUP is one of the world’s leading data mining competitions.
Those who count amongst the world’s best up and coming analysts will then be revealed during the prudsys User Days which take place from 2-3 July 2013 at the Maritim proArte Hotel in Berlin.
It is not only the best results of the competition that are awarded at the prudsys User Days. This is first and foremost a meeting place for well-known experts and businesses used to introduce data analytics projects that have been successfully used in practice, discuss technological innovations with one another and provide further insight into the potential of realtime analytics.

DATA MINING CUP 2013 at a glance:
Registration for the DMC competition begins: 4 March 2013
DMC competition begins with the announcement of the task: 3 April 2013
Deadline for submission of results: 15 May 2013
prudsys User Days and awards ceremony: 2-3 July 2013 at the Maritim proArte Hotel in Berlin (Friedrichstrasse 151, 10117 Berlin)
For more information about DATA MINING CUP 2013 go to:

Bildrechte: Group portrait of happy young people © nyul #32553895

prudsys AG as one of the technology leader for intelligent data analytics concentrates among classic Data Mining on the development and integration of high-quality real-time analytics solutions.
The prudsys Realtime Decisioning Engine (prudsys RDE) is a leading service-oriented solution for real-time analytics, forecasts and intelligent recommendations. The modular structure enables to build a multi-channel global solution which matches the specific requirements. With IREUS the prudsys AG especially offers for small and medium online shops selected features of the prudsys RDE as a software as a services.

The prudsys products are used world-wide. In Germany alone, approximately 50% of the top twenty mail order businesses such as OTTO, Heine, Conrad Electronic, bonprix and Baur and countless other Top 100 mail-order specialists (Source: Versandhausberater – Mail-Order Adviser) such as 3 Pagen/3 Suisse, and Mexx rely on prudsys solutions.

prudsys AG is the holder of numerous German and international patents. Furthermore, prudsys AG is the organiser of the world’s biggest data mining competition, the DATA MINING CUP.

prudsys AG
Denise Seifert
Zwickauer Strasse 16
09112 Chemnitz
+49 371 27093-0

wortgold | Agentur für nachhaltige Kommunikation
Frau Sandra Koegel
Stelzendorfer Gutsweg 8
09116 Chemnitz
0157 77711580