Ethics in Business AWARD granted to MAZeT

showimage Ethics in Business AWARD granted to MAZeT

Award Ceremony with Ulrich Wickert (Mentor of „Ethics in Business“) and Dr. Fred Grunert (MAZeT)

Jena, 17 January 2013 – In 2012, MAZeT underwent the Ethics in Business competition benchmark in order to have its corporate actions assessed by an independent institution with regard to the observance of ethical values. The Ethics in Business competition was created for SMEs by Compamedia GmbH.

The benchmark was implemented by the Institute for Business Ethics at the University of St. Gallen led by Prof. Thomas Beschorner and his team, which provides academic assistance to the Ethics in Business competition. The benchmark report confirmed that MAZeT operates in a thoroughly responsible manner in its business dealings. According to the benchmark report, the observance of ethical basic principles with regard to employees, clients and suppliers is the result of a value system firmly anchored into the corporate culture.

MAZeT considers it an obligation to uphold the traditional values of the honorable merchant, today known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), in its business activities.

MAZeT sees it as its duty as a member of the Ethics in Business guild to uphold the values of the social market economy and will continue to orient its business activities towards ethical basic principles in the future.

The Ethics in Business competition:

About MAZeT

MAZeT GmbH is a leading European development and production service provider. Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Jena, Germany, the company develops, manufactures and delivers customized electronics modules, software and ASICs and sells its own products worldwide under the JENCOLOR brand. Thanks to the broad technology offer and application expertise, MAZeT GmbH is a proven and reliable service partner in the areas of industrial electronics and optical sensor technology for custom-tailored, customer-specific solutions. Their development expertise and components for special applications are used in sectors as diverse as industrial metrology, control, automation and medical technology.

Diane Damer
Goeschwitzer Strasse 32
07745 Jena
+49 3641 2809-39

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Mandy Ahlendorf
Maximilianstraße 8
82319 Starnberg