Reputable Spanish Call Center Offers eBook and Consultation

December 2012, Miami, FL – The Hispanic market will soon reach a trillion dollars in buying power. Last 2010 alone, the US census recorded 50 million Latinos which also translates to one out of six residents in the United States. That being said, it is vital to offer customer support to be able to establish trustworthy professional relationships while retaining a deep sense of Latino identity. Be smart and do not let your company’s insufficient Spanish communication skills stop you from getting your share.

It is really simple for English-speaking clients to inform you of their concerns or problems. On the other hand, have you ever thought about your clients who only communicate in Spanish? How would you be able to deliver quality customer support? Does your business have agents who speak their language?

Hispanics spend twice as much time talking to a client representative to resolve a problem compared to English speakers. This makes them more irate and due to this, they cut their business ties with you. Familiarity does not breed contempt, it creates connection. The best and most practical solution is to hire a contact center that specializes in providing services to the Hispanic market.

It is very wise to find a reputable Spanish call center to be able to give your Latino consumers a desirable buying experience. Based on a recent conducted survey in the US, Spanish-speaking shoppers tend to purchase considerably more products or services from firms that make it simple to converse in their native Language.

Research also indicates that it costs as much as five times more to obtain a new buyer than it does to keep a current customer. This is why it is imperative to work hard to maintain your existing clients.

Callzilla, one of the most respected Hispanic-focused contact centers in the country today, is offering a free eBook on how to choose the best call center partner for your business. They deliver various services like customer service, technical support, tele-sales, market research, order taking, lead generation, direct response marketing and more.

They are equipped with high end equipment and technological infrastructure with 250 workstations located in Bogota, Columbia, operational twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Whether you plan to hire a partner or gather your own agents for your Latino advertising strategy, here are some tips they’ve shared:

–          It is vital to give agents or staff members a Spanish test before employing them.

–          Agents should be able to converse in Business Spanish.

–          Customer service representatives with the most accent neutral Spanish is advantageous.

–          Consistent and ongoing training programs for company staff members is a must.

–          Data measurement is important for all contact centers to be able to measure conversions and results.

For complete details and helpful guidelines, you can download their free eBook on Spanish call center tips by visiting their website at  If you have any other questions, they also provide a free consultation to help make your Spanish marketing campaign prosper.

Contact person: Neal Topf
3100 SW 145th Ave., Suite 410
Miramar, FL 33027
Phone number: 1-855-255-9552