Weight loss diet movement work along both lines

Q: want to reduce abdominal fat, how should we choose the most effective method reducing weight? Go on a diet, sports which better?
A: actually, the two methods are indispensable, because only the body energy shortage will burn fat, whether body dewlap or on the lower abdomen fat are similarly. At the end of the day, you have to let the body feeling does not have enough energy to maintain daily need, it will have to further mining internal energy, then stored fat will be changed into energy, and energy shortage, it can decrease the more the more fat.
Go on a diet and exercise, the former reduce calorie intake, the energy consumption, can rise to burn fat and the effect that reduce weight, but I believe you hard efforts must be eager to obtain the biggest reward, not meet a little not obvious effect.
Only on dieting easy rebound
Q: why long-term only on a diet to lose weight, to the back of no use?
A: the body has A variety of hormones will affect the success or failure of slimming, here we will focus on introduce two kinds: leptin and hunger hormone. Leptin is the first to be discovered fat hormone, the white fat cells secrete, it will be sent to the brain „eat enough, stop eating!“ Chemical signals. When leptin reaches a certain content will prompt hypothalamus suppress appetite, raise metabolization rate, inhibit fat synthesis, then weight and fat will decrease; Conversely, if the leptin level is too low or be obstructed, can cause fat accumulation, weight gain.
The most ideal thin lower abdomen method is??????
Q: that give us summarize the most ideal method of the lower abdomen thin it.
A: the ideal method reducing weight you need to reduce calorie intake, but don’t you reduce too far to break the hormone balance, as long as gradually reduce to have effect reducing weight is ok, at the same time strengthen exercise to further energy consumption. This can be a greater level of burning fat, still can adjust hormone help fat burning. This is where you get rid of abdominal dewlap best choice oh.