A move effectively remove the black eye socket

A move effectively remove the black eye socket
Look at myself in the mirror and big black eyes feel irritable, black rim of the eye is beautiful “ drag „, how to get rid of the black eye socket? Get rid of the black eye socket which method has? Small make up to share with you remove the black eye socket of the eight coup, repel dark circles, for the beautiful points.

Black eye treatment methods: Chew slow eye bag generation

Usually more chewing celery, carrots or chewing gum, can alleviate eye bag generation can also improve the facial skin.

Eye treatment methods two: keep in good mood, eating more vegetable & Fruit

Nervous tension, work busy, the Daxidabei emotions such as will affect the body’s normal circulation process. Therefore, try to relax, pleasant, recuperate and build up energy, can make blood circulation is improved, alleviate the black eye socket.

Oranges, kiwi, pineapple, 2daydiet cherry and the vast majority of leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamin A, C and E, they have to mention the role of bright color; and pepper because can improve blood circulation, but also to improve the black eye have some help.

Black eye treatment methods three: after getting to the black eye

Many people because of poor sleep quality after getting out of bed in the morning will appear the eye black eye. To cope with this situation the black eye socket and the eye bag method is prior to metal spoon in the fridge for three minutes, then directly using a spoon press eyes, or wrapped in wet towels gently caress ice eyes can obviously feel extremely cool, your eyes oh.

Black eye treatment methods: four eyes after two hour rest

Eye have the black eye socket will look no spirit, facial beauty also affected. The so-called black rim of the eye, is actually the eyelid skin pigmentation or subcutaneous blood color and appeared obvious purple black, blue black pigmentation phenomenon. Poor blood circulation is the black rim of the eye ’s biggest killer. When you are in a long vacation with eye and not give it a rest, the blood circulation of skin around eye becomes poor, black rim of the eye of course we couldn’t get rid of him.

Do some “ eye movement „, relax your eyes, eyes do not fall on any target, then close your eyes, hold for 2-3 seconds later, suddenly opened his eyes, then hold for 2-3 seconds. Head immobile, eyeball to be left, right,, turning, and hold for 2-3 seconds. Let your eyes relax, the eye of the blood will be improved.

Black eye treatment methods five: a cup of red dates tea

Drink a cup of red dates water, help to accelerate the blood running. Decrease stasis accumulation, decrease because of anaemia with black eye opportunities.

Black eye treatment methods six: morning cup of carrot juice or tomato juice

The morning to drink a cup of carrot juice or tomato juice, which contains carotene can eliminate eye fatigue function of.