Obstacle of cynic animosity charact
Obstacle of cynic animosity character forecasts mood depressed capability is strong
Joan Arehart-Treichel
A research discovers cynic animosity character notchs tall person, after evaluating about 20 years at first, suffer from more possibly quite on mental state is depressed.
„Cynic person, although hear 100 flowers, Reduce Weight Fruta Planta searching coffin, “ , american ironist H.L Mencken once was written.
Though truth have not knowable, preference of cynic of at least at first view is depressed, european investigator people a when undertake large before look up sex considered to reach this one conclusion.
Project controller Dr. Hermann Nabi is French health and institute of medical research state (INSERM) epidemiology home, researcher. Research is published in as a result “ psychological medicine “ in March on print.
This research includes 3399 London official, the age is in 35-55 year old between. Research target accepted cynic animosity character idiosyncratic evaluate. The characteristic of cynic animosity character is cynicism, do not believe other, detest is reached suspicious.
Reliable and list of active Cook-Medley animosity volume is used hereat second analysis. Research target still receives benefit from general and healthy questionnaire (General Health Questionnaire) the behavior that evaluates average spirit disease, concerned fitness, take exercise for instance, smoking, drinking quantity, incident of pressure sexual life and whether to have the project such as social support. Same, they still are asked about whether taking fight depressed medicaments. Subsequently 19 years, we assess incident of their pressure sexual life and social support situation several times.
After 19 years, wait for their age to arrive almost 54-74 when year old, we use epidemiology research center depressed quantity is expressed (The Center For Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) the mental state that evaluates them is depressed circumstance. Nabi and its work in the same placing investigated cynic animosity character feature and have mental state depressed whether to exist statistical is remarkable and relevant.
Look from the result, both concern really. In fact, because expose reaction (Dose-response) the influence of the relation, belong to cynic animosity highest 4 minutes of patients of a group, after 19 years, 5 times at lowest 4 minutes of members of a group, suffer from more possibly depressed.
In addition, the consideration passes a few likely promiscuous change hind, research has a bit as a result weaken. These changing a health when including social population factor, base line is relevant when behavior, base line depressed agent is fought to use when depressed condition, base line, the incident of pressure sexual life that base line and follow-up evaluate 19 years and sentiment support.
Cynic animosity is “ mental state is depressed feel easily for a long time element, “ Nabi and its group summary arrive.
But why such? Nabi to “ psycho news “ divulge, „Incident of sexual life of support of trait of cynic animosity character and tall human conflict, low society, much pressure is concerned. “ our discovery is all these elements with form depressed possibility heighten to concern.
Nabi believes, their research still has clinical sense. „Since cynic animosity is OK with respect to mood depressed make long-term and effective forecast, this can explain why a few patients are frequent depressed or boycott is depressed cure. This can explain why a few patients are frequent depressed or boycott is depressed cure..
Policy of cure of health of institute of health of nation of foundation of European scientific foundation, because medicine is research council, Finnish academy, British heart, United States, United States and institute and John.D and Catherine T.MacArthur foundation consider to note for this endowment.