EWC Weather Data: Services and Management at Highest Complexity

Karlsruhe, 31/01/2014. EWC Weather Consult, a private weather services provider in Karlsruhe with an international portfolio, are presenting their extended weather data management service at E-world energy & water 2014 in Essen, hall 3, booth 531. In the sector of renewable and conventional energies, weather forecasts as well as meta forecasts have a central role to play in improving portfolio forecasts for generating and trading energies. EWC achieves this optimisation through the best possible combination of random forecasts based on machine learning systems. Reanalysis data for calculating scenarios for power feed-in of random portfolios constitute a further important point at this Fair.

Weather data and renewable energies / yield forecasts for purchase and trade in the power market are closely intertwined and have come to assume major importance. EWC, active in the market since 1999 with high resolution, contemporaneous forecasts, score top marks at the Fair by virtue of their efficient wind and solar power forecasts with the focus on improved intraday and day-ahead forecasts which have, thanks to machine learning processes, been catapulted into what is a new and, qualitatively-speaking, distinctly higher league.
The Combi-Box (as it is called in the sector jargon) is also well-established at EWC within the concept of meta forecasts. It improves the overall portfolio forecast through an optimum combination of forecasts, including third party products. This means that a range of different power forecasts can be grouped together on the basis of various weather models and in a wide range of different qualities. Real-time weather and metered data, that affect the quality of the intraday forecasts to a significant extent, are also taken into account at the same time. Ultimately this means that traders in renewable energy can look forward to better wind and solar power forecasts.
Within the product mix that relates specifically to EWC as a weather service provider specialising in the energy market, another highlight is the energy trading forecast for Europe which is population-weighted as regards the actual climate. This enables a very good estimate to be made for the demand side over the following few days.
A new innovation to be introduced at the Fair is the Renewable Energy Index. This is a partial solution derived from the EWC energy meteorological analysis and comprising meteorological time series and fields based on reanalysis data and simulation calculations. With this, renewable energy production can be rendered comparable without a build-up problem over a historic period of 35 years.

A standard component of the weather service offered, even if it does constitute a distinct improvement in terms of scope and quality, is the wind potential analysis. In addition to online wind time series for wind turbine generator locations based on reanalysis data and the hourly yield time series for wind turbine generator locations worldwide, it also provides the wind energy index. This makes a classification of wind energy production possible for the relevant previous week, specifically for the turbine or wind farm, in the form of virtual production data from 1979 up to yesterday’s date. The Long Term Correction (MCP, Measure Correlate Predict) classified as a sub-product is an innovative process of correcting wind measurements by means of machine learning processes and promises a drastic reduction in the uncertainties attendant on your wind project. Weather, wind and yield forecasts for purposes of maintenance planning as well as thunderstorm warnings and lightning analyses in the event of faults or breakdowns round off the Operation & Maintenance solutions relating to location analysis.

EWC sees itself as a solution-oriented weather data manager focussing on the processing and adaptation of weather data for energy customers. For further information on Fair highlights visit www.weather-consult.com/e-world2014.