24th International Fine Arts and Antiqes Auction at Gut Bernstorf estate, Kranzberg, Germany

showimage 24th International Fine Arts and Antiqes Auction at Gut Bernstorf estate, Kranzberg, Germany

Bronze Samurai Japan Meiji-Period Kunstauktion Gut Bernstorf

The 24th edition of our International Art and Antiques Auction on 26th January at Gut Bernstorf includes an interesting collection of art, antiques and other miscellaneous art objects.

The 24th edition of our art and antiques auction on 26th January at Gut Bernstorf includes an interesting collection of art, antiques and other miscellaneous art objects.

Auktionshaus Gut Bernstorf – Online Bidding on our website Website Auktionshaus Gut Bernstorf
A „Bückeburger“ wedding cabinet in extraordinary good condition (Lot 400) from 1765 is just one of a wide selection of historical pieces of furniture offered in this sale. The very interesting front part of this special cabinet shows the remarkable craftsmanship of this period. Writing tables, cabinets and sitting furniture dating from the Baroque period to classic designer pieces of the 70ies round off the offer of this sale.

As usually there is a large selection of paintings representing major artists as for example J.J.Dorner (Lot 227), Franz von Lenbach and Heinrich von Zuegel, classical representatives of the Munich school. There are to find several artists of the „Dachauer School“, which is in our direct neighbourhood, with works by Adolf Hoelzel (Lot 301) or Coester Oscar (Lot 290). Art from the well appreciated artist colony of „Worpswede“ as well as works by modern and internationally acclaimed artists are also available.

A small preview of our forthcoming big Asian auction in March 2013 will be some interesting pieces of porcelain from the early Qing Dynasty of China (Lot 180), and a superbly crafted bronze samurai from the Meiji period Japan (Lot 183).

The carpet manufacturers of the far east, Keshan (Lot 436) and Hereke (Lot 430) will be represented in this sale with fine old carpets from pure natural silk.

Leading us back to Europe we will offer you porcelain figurines as well as a coffee and dinner set of the Meissen factory (eg, Lot 18 and 19). Other manufactures represented will be Herend and KPM Berlin. Fine objects of silver, including a complete box of cutlery for 12 people from a noble family provenance will also be offered.
Rare pocket watches from an extensive private collection as well as rare pocket watch made of silver (Lot 394) are also part of the auction programme.

Oure catalogues are onlibe for browsing through: Happy Bidding! The full gallery is online Catalogue & Gallery

We are looking forward to an interesting and successful auction.
Auktionshaus Gut Bernstorf

Michael Lehrberger & the entire auction team

Seit 1995 befindet sich unser Unternehmen auf dem malerischen Gutshof Bernstorf in Kranzberg bei Freising. An diesem besonderen Ort vor den Toren Münchens, an welchem sich Geschichte – Ausgrabungen aus der Bronzezeit – und bayerische Kultur – Gutshof mit Kapelle aus dem 16. Jhdt. – vereinen, führen wir neben anderen kulturellen Events in modernen Räumlichkeiten auf zwei Etagen unsere regelmäßigen Kunst- und Antiquitäten-Auktionen durch.

Auktionshaus Gut Bernstorf
Michael Lehrberger
Gut Bernstorf
85402 Kranzberg