Zürich, Schweiz: Seitdem Regierungen auf der ganzen Welt Social Distancing Massnahmen durchgesetzt haben, um die Coronavirus-Pandemie zu besiegen, ist remote zu arbeiten für viele zur neuen Realität geworden.
Cédric Waldburger hat langjährige Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit verteilten Teams und über verschiedene Zeitzonen. Sein heute angekündigtes Startup-Vehikel investiert gezielt in Firmen, die von Anfang an verteilt arbeiten. Selber hat er in den vergangenen zwölf Jahren ohne festen Arbeitsplatz gearbeitet, ein Unternehmen komplett ohne Büro aufgebaut und DFINITY, das Unicorn aus dem Silicon Valley, das am dezentralisierten Internet arbeitet, mitgegründet. Mit Tomahawk.VC startet der Serienunternehmer und Angel-Investor eine dezentralisierte Risikokapitalgesellschaft ohne Büro, die sich auf global-first-Teams fokussiert.
Was macht ein Unternehmen “global-first”?
Companies that have been thinking globally since their founding, working with remote employees right from the start and building their corporate culture regardless of a geographical location. Something that has become very important in COVID times.
„Why should companies refrain from hiring their best talent anywhere in the world and limit themselves to one place instead?“ is one of the questions that Cédric likes to ask entrepreneurs. „Yes, building a team culture in a company where not everyone works in an office may require a little creativity,“ added Cédric, „but it’s not more difficult – just different!“. That’s an area where Tomahawk .VC offers great added value: through the exchange of reliable methods and procedures that have proven themselves over the past twelve years.
Tomahawk.VC is active as a distributed team without an office
„I like to rethink things – and I take the same approach to venture capital. Instead of building a large team at one location, we create a network of experts that we share with all portfolio companies. We work closely with them Founders together and always strive to support big, world-changing ideas, „says Cédric about his latest project.
The Tomahawk.VC team includes Claude Donzé, who has experience in private equity, and Bojan, who lives in Macedonia and has supported Cédric with his previous companies.
First investments in Switzerland and Germany
Tomahawk.VC has already invested in four companies. Investments already made include Locatee, Lano, Liquity and Buynomics. Zurich’s Locatee is the leading solution in the B2B market for building usage analysis that helps companies manage their workspace efficiently. Lano, based in Berlin, is developing a platform in which companies can manage their entire administrative processes with freelancers. Liquity is a decentralized blockchain protocol for borrowing, without an office and with employees in Switzerland, England, Vietnam and the USA, and Buynomics is a modern pricing tool for companies based in Cologne, Germany.
Further information and a link for direct application for investments can be found at www.Tomahawk.VC.